Week-end highlights

  So I said every other Friday or so I would update my progress with the rowing machine. And this would be that Friday... and trust me, I was totally going to do today, but when I stepped on the scale I discovered... it's dead. And it was apparently expecting too much to think it would take normal batteries, it takes some weird flat silver battery that I don't even have the slightest clue where to find. This is inevitably going to result in me simply getting a new scale, which seems much easier than trying to find whatever demon battery I need from the land of nobody knows. Sooo... Next Friday!! updates! ohhh there will be updates!! I'll either track down the elusive disc battery thingy or I will find a new scale. Promise.

In the mean time enjoy these pictures that are not at all of the progress I've made. 

In other awesomeness. Take a trip with me to dinner last night, eating pancakes and bacon at the table with my little fam damily. Kenzie is desperately trying to tell me about this bonus movie on her Bolt DVD that involves a hamster or something and Mike keeps cracking jokes at her because she is at tha stage where she is starting to put "like" in front of everything she says. If you're a girl you know and are very familiar with this stage, some of us you may still be in it "So then like, the like hamster went up to this like dude..." you get the idea. So I explain to my darling daughter the various definitions of "like" and how to properly use the word and she soldiers on with her story like the champ she is.
"So the hamster goes up to this dude.."
Mike interjects - "Are you sure he wasn't just like a dude?"
"Mike! You keep interrupting me!!" She is absolutely full of piss and vinegar when she looks at him and I can't help but laugh a little. You know, softly, on the inside, so as not to give away my lack of parental guidance.
"What are you going to do about it?"
"I'm just going to interrupt you from now on when you try to talk!" The piss and vinegar is like at an 8 on a 1-10 scale, and I'm hiding my face behind my napkin.
"Oh y-"
And I erupt into a very non-authoritative fit of giggles because that shit was hilarious. Possibly not the most responsible reaction I could have had to my daughters ever evolving smart-assery but for real... it was funny. We all laughed. And then told her not to do that again because of reasons and things and stuff like the totally adult type figures that we are.

Where she got that from I have no clue. Honest. 
Seriously though isn't it a good thing when she comes up with stuff like that from time to time? Doesn't it show her ability to adapt and come up with creative solutions to problems? ... Sort of. You know, as long as she doesn't use it on me.

What's that? You want to see an awesome video of my son and black dog hanging out in the living room? Allow me to facilitate that request:
Just C and black dog engaging in a little licking war.

Tomorrow is our St.Patricks Day Parade downtown, C will not be in attendance due to my extreme distrust of someone asking to see my baby and then walking off with him in a drunken stupor... but Kenzie will be with us because I trust that kid to kick a stranger in the shins and scream bloody murder for me to come slap someones face into next week if they try to touch her. ... I do in fact have trust issues when it comes to my offspring I'm not going to lie. I have a very small babysitting pool that I choose from when I'm in need, and 3 of the 4 people in that pool are family. Besides, Kenzie doesn't wander too far from me anyway, I mean who else is she gonna get to hold all of the random things she brings with her places that I tell her not to bring because I'm not going to hold them for her. I'm hoping to get some good pictures of her at the parade also, it should be a good time. She's going to gather up a bunch of candy they toss to her that she won't eat anyway because homegirl doesn't like candy. Truth, for those that don't actually know my daughter - she doesn't like candy, cookies (other than oreos - EVERYONE likes oreos), frosting on cake - but she will eat the cake part of the cake... as long as it's vanilla because - she also doesn't like chocolate. I'm either doing something right, or I've done effed up beyond repair.

My son has awakened from his nap and is demanding blueberry banana carrot or whatever his puree of the day is today. Have a lovely weekend all! Be careful if you're going out to celebrate this weekend! Remember to cab it my adult beverage enjoying friends!