Spring Break - the end. What (possibly not) to wear challenge.

So... Spring Break is done for me now. I partied it up, went to see some beaches some peoples some parties some... noooo I didn't do any of that. I stayed in my wonderful home with my wonderful family and had a wonderful time and took some pretty spectacularly wonderful naps . I've got no complaints. It is time to get back into the swing of school again though, got a book to read, a paper to write, some boards to post on - so naturally I'm updating my blog instead.

So listen, I just read a post on Babble by a lady (a few of you probably also saw it, I believe it went viral on facebook sometime earlier this evening... and by viral I mean I saw it so surely someone else did too. Also doesn't everyone enjoy themselves some Babble? No?? Just me?), and the deal was, she let her 3 year old son pick out her outfits for a week and talked about the effect it had on her and him and life and the world as they know it and shuttle takeoffs and pancakes and board games and.... I got lost there somewhere.
So if you didn't actually see it for some reason here it is: http://www.babble.com/style/i-let-my-toddler-dress-me-for-a-week-heres-what-happened/ give it a looksee, it's pretty adorable.
Now if you did see it and just didn't care much about it then SPOILER ALERT - you're not going to care about my post here either because that is allll this little diddy is about tonight.

So pretty much this whole thing inspired me and I decided I wanted to give such things a shot myself. I don't have a 3 year old boy on hand to pick out my outfits but I do have a 6 (almost 7) year old daughter, and I've been increasing the rate of which I let her pick out her own outfits - mostly on the weekends - and I've been wondering as of late if she's getting a grasp of what is appropriate dress these days. She's got a pretty 50/50 record with her weekend picks, sometimes she comes out in an adorable outfit that brings tears to my eyes as I hand her a lifetime achievement award, annnnd sometimes she comes out in a getup that makes me feel like I should explain to her what a hooker is and why she won't be leaving the house today wearing that. And for the record, if you're wondering my viewpoints on how much a child should be free to express themselves; I think it's super important for her to express herself and feel comfortable and confident in her decisions.. as I guide her in making them and explain that the decision she just made makes her look like a tramp and she needs to get her 6 year old butt back in her room and make a new decision. And I will help her make that decision again and again over and over clear through her teenage years and beyond. I will make trips to her house in the mornings after she moves out and supervise her wardrobe choices before she's allowed to leave for work. Kidding. That's a bit far, plus who has that kind of time? Mostly I'm hoping if I teach her now that just because she's tiny doesn't actually make it okay to consider a t-shirt, shorts that fall more in the realm of being underwear, leg warmers that go up to her thighs, with her ruby red Dorothy shoes an acceptable "outfit" then I won't actually have to worry about her wanting to dress like that when she's older either. The good news I suppose is that right now as a 6 year old her reasons for picking out what she does has nothing at all to do with wanting to be seen as a sexpot and everything in the world to do with dressing how she sees the girls on her weird little Monster High cartoon dress (we've recently talked about the fact that those chics are cartoons and we are not, we don't do all the things we see them do, it's cool on a cartoon because it's not real, it's not cool on real people because other people are judgy assholes and her mother is totally one of them). And probably a lack of options in her room since I like to play this little game of doing laundry and then leaving clean clothes scattered throughout the house in random laundry baskets you have to dive through to find what you're looking for. I feel like it's a fun challenge. What was my point here again?
I want to see what my kiddo perceives as an acceptable outfit. I also feel, much like the lady that wrote the post felt, that it would be beneficial to her self esteem and confidence to have her opinions heard and see them actually being taken into the real world.
I think this will be good. And I'll take a picture every day of the outfit she picks out for me and I will wear it, for better or worse, and we shall see what comes of it. Hopefully she's kind to me on Thursday since that's the day I have to go to campus for class. I am not going to post a picture on here every day, but if you follow me on facebook there's a good chance you'll see them daily there. I will take a snap everyday and put one post with all of the outfits together at the end of the weekend, Sunday night... mmmmMonday morning-ish and you can all criticize, point and laugh, roll your eyes, cheer, or do whatever it is you all do when you read these.

Goodnight all!!!