Kenzie's outfit picks post

Well the week of Mackenzie picking out my outfits has come to an end. My immediate reflection - it wasn't as scary as I thought it would be. She didn't have me stepping out in any clown get ups, and she actually picked her items very carefully instead of just pulling random things off hangers. We skipped Tuesday (which happened to be St. Patricks Day) because we woke up too late for her to pick out my outfit (girls need their beauty sleep) so I just threw on jeans and a green tank top that day and let her pick out my jewelry. So there are only 4 outfits in all and one of them is not actually pictured on me (try to contain your heartbreak) but there is a picture of it - because we had our internet guy out here upgraded our internet and it seemed awkward to start posing and taking selfies of my outfit with him running in and out of the house, and by the time he left I had to get to class and kind of just forgot about the picture all together.
So here they are... please try to keep in mind (it'll be hard to remember I know) - I am not a model (surprise!!) Spoiler Alert - Unless there's a market for big hipped post pregnancy tummy thunder thighed b-cup models with a phD in resting bitch face (I think I fit all my insecurities in there, 1,2,3,4,5... yeah that's all of them) I probably never will be either. So you know, totally feel free to make fun of me because it's not like I'm standing behind you while you're reading this. ... Or am I?
Let that simmer for a minute.

I was actually not super surprised by most of the elements she picked out for these outfits (though I was impressed with how she put some of them together), most of what she picked out were articles of clothing she has previously asked me to wear for one reason or another (mainly - it's so colorful!). So the dresses and skirts and tops she picked for the most part were not a huge shock because she'd already told me I should wear them at some point or another.

Alright here we go!

Monday - 
I should have known she was going to start with this dress. I've had it for a couple years and it usually is reserved for "important" or "dressy" type things... interviews, dress up days at work, weddings... you get the idea. But anytime Kenzie lays her eyes on it she'll tell me I should wear it. I think it's all the colors. They are pretty hypnotizing.
The boots aren't exactly what I would have paired with it but it wasn't my decision, she actually had one of my pairs of blue high heels picked out to wear with it first then she saw the boots and changed her mind. She also picked that green jacket for me to wear with it which oddly enough didn't look as weird as I thought it was going to, but it was too warm for jackets Monday so I ended up not wearing it at all. I was a little bit surprised at how much I actually liked wearing this dress even though I didn't have anything to do Monday. It's super comfy and the pattern and little tie thing at the waist make me look skinnier than I actually am which I'm always on board with.

Tuesday - There was no outfit Tuesday as I said earlier. We were both tired and overslept, so I woke her up with about 5 minutes to spare before her bus would be coming down the road. The morning pretty much went like this: state of mock-panick, whisper yelling at the kid to get out of bed while trying not to wake the baby (who by some miracle was still asleep for a change), pinching her because she wasn't wearing green yet and it was St.Patricks Day (that'll teach her to ignore the pajamas I lay out for her), tossing some clothes her way and trusting her to brush her teeth (she totally didn't) and handing her a couple eggos as she walked out the door with a kiss and a hug goodbye just as her bus honked at us because we weren't outside yet.

Wednesday -
Again the skirt she picked out wasn't a big shocker, she's seen it in my closet and asked me to wear it several times before. I'm not sure why I don't wear it more often, aside from the fact that it's been winter and I'm never inclined to wear dresses or skirts in winter. Eff being cold. Wednesday cooled off quite a bit from Monday though so I told her if she wanted me to wear that she's have to pick me out some leggings or tights to go with it and was pleasantly surprised when she brought me back a plain black pair instead of one of the crazier pairs of leggings I own (don't judge me). I couldn't help but laugh at the shirt she picked out, one of my t-shirts that happened to be the same color as the top of the shirt, her justification for it being "it's the same color so you match. and everyone thinks pirates are cool". Touche kid.

Thursday -
Is the day I forgot to take a picture, what with strangers at the house and class and all. She picked out a t-shirt and sweater annnddd (drum roll please) leggings. In her defense... they are denim material leggings... but leggins none-the-less. Mike put his two cents in on this outfit and told her leggings aren't really pants and she pretty promptly came back and said, "they are if your shirts long enough." How do you argue with that logic? So I wore leggings as pants that day. And you know what? It was damn comfy. And I don't think it looked half bad either, I took a laptop selfie when I got home from class that night that had very little to do with remembering I still had to take an outfit picture and everything to do with sending Mike ridiculous pictures while he was in the bathroom.
So you know just picture that top and sweater with regular blue denim leggings and the same boots from the top picture because my child is a creature of habit apparently. Also she only owns like 4 pairs of shoes total and 3 of them are boots so that could be my fault that she thinks boots are a wear with all... but her feet are in a growth spurt so buying her tons of shoes right now has proved to be a bad idea, she only gets to wear them for a few weeks before she outgrows them. Also notice the green sweater... remember the green jacket she picked out for me Monday? Yeah, that's probably also my fault, green is my favorite color so by default she also claims it's one of her favorite colors (along with red orange yellow blue and purple) so she's also pretty sure that along with boots, green things also go with everything.

Ok are you ready for this? This is by far my absolute favorite outfit that she put together all week. It might have to get rotated in. The sweater she picked is another she constantly tells me I should wear because it's gold and suuuuper sparkly, but I don't wear it a lot because it's kind of itchy. And I was nervous as hell when she picked it out along with this yellow and white flowy tank top thing, I was pretty sure I was gonna look like a puffed up flower all day. But no, the two actually look adorable together and you can really only see the white part of the tank top underneath the sweater and it went along way towards relieving some of the itchyness! I loved the way it looked. She picked out the hottest pink pair of pointy toe 4 inch heels I own for some reason to go with it but it strangely worked. Even though learning how to walk in heels after the slight hiatus I took during the pregnancy was very interesting and I'm sure in the world where I believe there are secret cameras hidden all over the house that people are watching us on... also very amusing. There was lots of tripping stumbling and stepping out of the shoes midstep - but I eventually got the hang of it again. Just in time for bed.
Look beyond the doorknob.

And thus the week ended.I thought I might have her pick me something out for Saturday too before I took her for her weekend sleepover with her dad and his mom but I ended up spending the majority of Saturday morning in prompt care (just too find out it was a viral infection they couldn't do anything about) after a very long sleepless night so by the time I got home mostly I just wanted pajamas and a nap so that's what I did.

So there you have. Turns out there may actually be a thing or two my child sees in my wardrobe that I never would have thought of. That Friday outfit is totally going to become a regular. It's not super out there or wild, but it's still something I never would have thought to do with two shirts that are both supposed to be the focal point of the outfit. Kid did good. Maybe I should start letting her pick out more outfits for me. Or you know... more outfits for herself.

Have a beautiful week everybody!