Spring Break - The Beginning

Well I am officially on Spring Break this week! I kicked it off with some fun at a local Paint Nite event with a few ladies, and even though I wasn't super stoked for the particular picture we were doing, it was really more of a toe in the water experiment anyway to see if I'd like it and to spend some time with some people my height without my mini-me's tagging along (which is rare these days) and I had so so so so much fun. I'm definitely hooked, I can't wait to do another one.

Saturday was definitely a fun day, even though I stayed up way past my bedtime. The rest of the weekend was pretty pale in comparison but the week kicked off with a bang when my oldest bundle of love decided to start off Monday morning telling me that her stomach hurt... which is something she tells me like a few times a day every day at least, mostly when it's time to go to school or when there's something she doesn't want to do going on. So I explained to her like I've done a hundred times before, that if she's too sick to go to school that will mean she's too sick to do anything else (i.e. sleepover anywhere) and she was suddenly feeling much better, so I put her on the bus. About 15 minutes later I got a call from her bus driver "Your kid puked on my bus" I mean she was a little more polite about it then that obviously, but you get the basic idea here. So I head to school to retrieve my little barfer and she's milking this situation for all it's worth. I can see her in the nurses office lounging on the couch like Cleopatra, but when I walk in she crumbles into a little pile of sad faces and draped arms over her stomach and face, and after I speak with the nurse briefly my lovin little darling sits ups and says,"I guess some parents just don't know when their kids are sick." .... My speechlessness was rescued by the nurse who pipes up "I guess some kids just don't learn not to lie to their parents about not feeling good so that their parents can actually believe them when they finally don't feel good." And I about died. I love this nurse, she might be my favorite nurse in all of nursedom. She must have sensed how relieved I was that she wasn't going to label me some neglectful parent that doesn't even recognize my own offspring being ill by my surprised laughter while I picked my jaw up off the floor, or possibly the rosy glow of parental solidarity that spread across my face as I smugly stared my child down daring her to say something else. She must be smarter than her mother because she kept her mouth shut, but she did return to sad faces and arm draping and added in a few oooohhh's to emphasize just how bad she was feeling. So we trek home, she doesn't puke in my car but she is looking rather green around the gills so I set her up on the couch and go to have a little lay down myself since Connor is happily passed out and making it look like a real good idea. This lasts about 7 minutes before Kenzie taps me on the back of my head and invites me into the bathroom for a discussion. I will spare you the details on what this discussion was about but trust me... it wasn't fun.
About 20 minutes, lots of hand washing, and new outfits for both of us later, I'm trying to proceed with plan naptime again... Kenzie's passed out... Connors passed out... I thought.... Until this tiny finger poked me in the eyeball and this super cute tiny boy voice called me dada.
So not exactly how I thought my first relaxing day of break was gonna go, but hey... what can ya do. So now my kiddos are both tucked into bed after convincing Kenzie that whether I keep her out of school tomorrow or not, she still had to go to bed, and a slight Exorcist episode with Connor minus his head spinning around... Mike and I are now tucked in bed ourselves. Well... he is. We somehow managed to make it here by 11, and were both pretty sure we were going to pass right out, and instead he's snoring away next to me and I'm sitting here watching Shipping Wars and updating my blog after playing video games for the last 3 hours and thinking about what I want to do tomorrow. How does that even happen? I have a couple Rock Stars in the fridge that are promising me I'll still have a day full of accomplishing making the house pretty and catching up on a few wayward books I've been wanting to finish but I guess time will tell.

I made a meal tonight that was a first for me, there was a deal on chicken quarters so I got a few packs and then realized... I've never effing made chicken quarters!!! My tiny sous-chef was no help at all either he just sat there staring at me with leftover mango on his chin and a bottle in his hands like a drunk little tropical gnome. Then I remembered! I had one of these packets tucked away in the pantry!
My new favorite secret chicken weapon
I didn't exactly follow the instructions they gave because... I tend not to do that.... I didn't even follow the instructions at Paint Nite, why would I follow directions on a packet thats not even walking around with a mic on it's face? But the end result was pretty damn delicious. I'm going to have to go get about 50 more of these little wonders.

I realize this was not much of an update, but if I have the week that I'm hoping I will, I'll have tons of fun pictures of some of my projects and the things I get done this week!! Yaay before and after posts!!!