Homemade mozz sticks

Can we just talk for a second about fried food? Don't worry if you're thinking I'm about to go off on a healthy food tangent, totally not what's happening here.
I love fried food. Most of it anyway, I can't quite get on board with fried snickers and other various assorted "fair foods" for instance, nooo. But most of the rest of it... yes. Just lots of yes. Chicken strips, chicken fried steak, pork chops, fry frys, fried rice... yes. And mozzarella sticks. Here's the thing tho, I'm super picky about my mozz sticks. They need to be hot (obviously) because the grease is part of why they're so good (I told you - so not a promotion to eat healthy post) and when grease cools off its just... kinda bleh. No thank you. Also I like my food salty so don't take my recipe here to heart too much, you need to season the breading the way you'd like it. What was that? Recipe? Yes! I'm giving you a recipe! On the off chance that there are actually people out there that have never tried to make homemade mozz sticks, you should really give it a shot. And it's totally worth the dishes don't you worry.

All you need is:
•a pack of mozzarella cheese sticks - yeah the kind you buy your kids for their lunch and snack time and what not. (I buy them for me mostly but my kid seems to think they're for her...)
• 2 eggs
• 1/4 cup milk (I used 2%)
• flour
• breadcrumbs  (I used a mixture of Panko Italian seasoned breadcrumbs and Kelloggs crumbs)
• more seasonings depending on what you want your breading to taste like. I add a pinch of garlic salt and ground pepper to my bread crumbs and mix it all up together.
• oil. I've used vegetable oil and olive oil and I tend to like the olive oil better, but any oil you prefer for frying things.
》》So first off start heating up your oil in your frying pan of choice, I used enough to thickly coat the bottom of the pan. Then you're going to chop your cheese sticks in half or in thirds depending on how big you want your sticks. Mix together the eggs and milk in one bowl, the flour in another bowl, and your breadcrumbs mixture in a last bowl. *here is a good point to tell you if you're a lady with long nails... maybe get some gloves or prepare to dig goop out from under them*
》》 Now take your cheese sticks and dip in the egg, flour, back to the egg, and then the bread crumbs. Make sure they are well coated. I do 3 to 5 at a time but you can do it one by one too if you're prepared to hustle a little bit. When they're well coated and you see no cheese stick peeking through, drop them in the pan. I let them sit for a few seconds before flipping them to fry the other side. When they're a nice golden brown all around, pull those delicious little bad boys outta the pan and set them on a paper towel.
》》Repeat until all your cheese sticks are done.
See.... totally not hard at all. And if your like me your going to need to make a lot if you are making them for more than just yourself. I tend to eat mine the second they hit the papertowel.