Pinspired! New small adventures

So I recently started actually taking pictures to document the things I do/wear based off my pinterest (on what I thought was a private board but I apparently forgot to make private while I was setting it up) just because it gives me something to do and its nice to know all those hours on pinterest are actually being used for something ;)
Since the board was public and anyone following me on here probably already saw these pictures on my pinterest, this post is probably not that interesting lol but I'm excited to start posting up Pinspired projects and outfits and showing how what I did compared to the original inspiration I pinned. Not surprisingly my favorites tend to be clothes, and they have a pretty surprising outcome since I'm not a skinny twig and most of the outfits I put together do not come out looking the same way they do on the tiny people modeling them; some look great and some are just total and utter misses. I'll probably put up the good and the bad just because I know I'm not the only who wonders how things will look on my body type compared to the people who are in much better shape than myself AND... I'm not much for pre planning so generally I pick out a picture in the morning, *maybe* the night before if I have a few minutes, and make sure I have some comparable clothes but they don't actually get put on till I'm dressing for the day and I don't have any extra time normally in the mornings so for better or worse... that's what I'm wearing for the day.
 Now! For more fun things! Oreo truffles! This is the link to the instructions I followed, they're pretty hard to read in the picture.
My sister in law made these when I came to visit a few Christmas's ago and I got soooo addicted to them.  It's not even fair how scrumptious these little devils are and I found this pin on pinterest which was everything she had instructed me to do to make my own when I got home so I used it when I made these last night and let me just say, you'll never make anything simpler.
It calls for a package of oreos, 4-8oz cream cheese (depends what you like richness wise), and melting chocolate of your own choice I just used white chocolate melting bars and added food coloring for the different colors. I was attempting to cut down on the cream cheese a little by only using 2oz at first, but it simply is not enough to get all your oreo crumbs moistened and malleable enough to form into balls so I ended up adding another 2 so I had 4 oz total in mine and they turned out awesome.  I base that on the lack of leftovers I had after taking them into work ;) when it came to dipping them in chocolate there just seemed to be no easy mess-free way to do it so I laid them all out on parchment paper and spooned the chocolate over thw top of them.  I've seen other recipes that say to use a toothpick and stab the oreo balls with it and dip them in thw chocolate that way but.... I didn't do it that way so I have no idea how well that works yet ;)
Otherwise once they're all coated with your chocolate, decorate them (or don't) and let them cool and the chocolate harden.  I put mine in the fridge on the parchment paper untill they were sturdy enough to move into containers. The whole thing including crushing the oreos took about 45 minutes from stary to finish. Super easy! Be ready for your hands to get messy tho! I'm probably going to let Mackenzie help me next time, it's right up her alley :)