Oh the Weather Outside is ...

Not really frightful, it's been pretty nice, especially the last couple days, sunshiney and today it got up to almost 50.   .... okay it's pretty sad that I'm excited for 50 degree weather but I'll take what I can get during the cold months. Even with my extra layer of fluff I'm just not made for Winter weather, I HATE being cold.

I hope everyone's Christmas was wonderful, ours certainly was, Mike and I hosted our very first family Christmas and it was fun :) it was kind of organized chaos, since we didn't really know what we were doing but honestly it seemed like everything just sort of fell into place and went just fine, I cooked a ham for the very first time in my life and everyone seemed to love it and even though I didn't put the roast in in enough time for it to be ready to eat, it also turned out well and has provided me with some damn tasty sammiches since then haha. We were definitely overtired by the time things started winding down since, true procrastinators that we are, we waited to clean up the house AND wrap presents until Christmas Eve... and then we got caught up watching a movie with Kenzie (which was way more important anyway) so we didn't really get started on anything until around 9/10pm and were up until 3:30 in the morning finishing up, and thennnnn.... of course... the lil one woke up at the crack of dawn announcing that SANTA HAD COME TO THE HOUSE so we got up after about 3 hours of sleep and had present opening happy madness. It was awesome :) Just us and our jammies and cinammon rolls and lots and lots of wrapping paper. The best way to spend the morning! Then it was time to get dinner a-cookin, the house spot checked for last minute messes, and before I knew it people arrived! A tad early lol I wasn't even out of my pajamas yet when my cousin got here. My family trucked about 12 bags of presents out here and after hanging out and eventually eating some pretty tasty foods the present opening madness commenced and ended and everyone trucked on out and Mike, Mackenzie, and I all fell onto the couch and put on some Netflix Christmas movie so that we could fall asleep about 3 and 1 /2 minutes into it. It was a fantastic Christmas, a year for firsts, our first hosted Christmas, our first Christmas in our new house, my first time cooking a ham lol, and Mike, Kenzie, and I's first real Christmas together. That is right! We've been together 3 years (in Jan.) and until now we haven't really got to do a whole Christmas together, our first year together I flew to Arizona to be with my brother (which was Kenzie's first time meeting her Uncle Kyle and Aunt Erin), our second year together we attempted to split the day in half with Kenzie's dad (which I honestly will never attempt again, all it really did was give all of us the short end of the stick, nobody had enough time with her and the day ended up being complete stress trying to run around everywhere) and just when it was time for us to go pick her up, Mike got called out on a 'quick' (they're never quick... or at least seldomly) road call that left him on the side of a snowy highway all night long until about 9:30 that night. Not exactly what either of us had had in mind for the day you can imagine. So as I said, a year of firsts :) I loved it all. We haven't quite cleared out all of the leftover Christmas debris yet but we're getting there, just need a slightly less than blustery day to get a fire going and it'll *poof* be gone!

 She was sleepy still you could tell but who in their right mind could go back to bed with all those presents waiting!

 She is so beautiful <3

 Sleepy Santa and his best helper. 

Million dollar smile, the happy Christmas Princess

Annndd the drum set lol this would be a gift from Grandma, but they actually aren't all that loud she can shut her door and we barely hear them, and she loves playing them so alls fair in love and child happiness.

So now I'm on vacation until the 3rd so I can be home with the babydoll while she's on winter break, I'm excited for the time together that doesn't involve the everyday after school homework dinner bath time dance, so far it's been nice to just hang out together. We haven't made any real New Year plans yet because my Father is out of town seeing his fiance for New Years so he won't be here to watch her like he usually does, but I'm sure we will figure something out, New Year has always kind of been a constant for us we've always done something. 
I've never really done serious New Year Resolutions, every now and then I'll state things I'd like to accomplish that year but never anything outlandish or overly serious I don't think you should wait for one specific time of the year to try to do something big in your life, but I like little changes especially if they're just for fun or for small betterments like "I'm going to read for 10 extra minutes every day" or something like that. One of my friends pinned this little New Year deal on pinterest for her class to do I think, but I really liked it so I gave it a shot.

New Year resolution sheet 

- so... a bad habit I'd like to break, hmm... probably my procrastination with chores. I'm a procrastinator through and through, but I wish I could get the dishes and laundry done a bit more regularly, its only that much more miserable when I let it pile up.

- a new skill I'd like to learn... there are a lot of things I'd like to learn, I'd love to learn how to write well, or take better pictures... I think for this year.. I'd like to learn how to knit. I love crocheting, it seems like knitting would be a fun hobby to pick up as well.

- a person I hope to be more like. My daughter. She's just so comfortable being who she is, and she's happy and she knows what she wants and she's not afraid to tell anyone. I think a lot of kids are like that really, but she really just charms everyone she meets, she lights up rooms, she brings joy everywhere with her. I'd love to be a little more like that.

- a good deed I'm going to do, hmm... I'd have to think on this honestly, most good deeds are done pretty spontaneously, I try to do good where I can but I don't know what I can put here that would be honest and not sound like complete cheese.

- a place I'd like to visit I'd love to go up to Michigan this year to see one of Mike's friends, or go to Indiana to see where Mike used to go to school and the zoo there... I'd also like to go to the aquarium up in Chicago!

- a book I'd like to read, this list can go on and on but my goal for this year is to get the Game of Thrones books under my belt.

- a letter I'm going to write, I'd like to write a letter to my best friend. We don't talk as much as I guess you should to call each other best friends, but she knows she is.

- a new food... hmmmmmmmm... this.. is tough for me. I'm a notoriously picky eater, I can put kids to shame with my pickyness. Um...something realistic.. I guess I would be okay with trying sushi... some of it... not the crazy kind with squid tentacles or anything but you know... the more normalish kind. i'd probably try that.

-I'm going to do better at, oh I guess my answer to the first one would have been better suited for this, but since I already used that I'll say I'd like to do better at work, I do okay now, but I could do better, especially at getting there on time lol

Happy New Year everyone, My 2013 was a great one and I hope yours was too, onward to the next year!