Christmas trees and what the heck has been up with me!

So this was a surprisingly big weekend for us! I don't really feel like getting into too much detail on the unfun stuff so for everyone that saw the FB posts and stuff, the story is I started having another attack Saturday afternoon and it was a little more intense than the already painful ones I've had before so even though I really didn't want to, we took the kiddo to my dads and off to prompt care we went. There they discovered my white blood cell count was entirely too high like double what it should be and that there were abnormalities in my liver which meant they had to transfer me to the big hospital.  Awesome.  At least I didn't have to ride in an ambulance,they let Mike take me; and I kind of knew thats what was going to happen I was just hoping it wouldn't. When we got there I talked with another doctor (who was very nice despite being the harbinger of doom after declaring I needed some fluids and made them put an IV in... I cried like a baby. Not for the first time that night lol I cried when they took blood too) everyone had the same confusion about my state since the attack was beginning to dissipate and I was starting to feel just fine which shouldn't have been the case considering the infections and other issues my labs showed. Got an ultrasound saw some stones and sludge we already suspected was there, but it just wouldn't be my life if something didn't come up and they were unable to take out my gall bladder as they normally would have done. I got called confounding a lot and around 5am they let us go home since there wasn't much else they could do for me at the time and I now have an appointment for a consult with the attending surgeon since the resident won't be able to do the surgery, and in the mean time I'm on am antibiotic we are hoping I'm not allergic to lol. 
Woof! So there you go. That's where I'm at that's all the info I have to give, I did have another attack Sunday which surprised me since ive never had back to back ones like that but  I powered through it since the ER still wouldn't have been able to help me there was no point in going back. I feel much better today although my stomach feels very sore, like someone's been punching me in it right after I did 100 sit ups.
In other news, way more fun exciting news, Mike took Mackenzie and me to Bomkes Christmas tree farm and we picked out our very first tree! That's right 3 years together and this is our first tree together! And its a real one! The pine needles are outrageous and shed everywhere but it smells so good and looks absolutely beautiful!  It was so much fun, we will definitely be going back next year for another, we went Saturday (before the madness ensued obviously) and it made it so much better that the farm was covered in snow. So beautiful and omg sooooo many trees to pick from! We finally got to decorate it last night,  Mackenzie and Mike did most of the decorating I mostly handed out the ornaments to put up. It feels much more like Christmas now that it's snowed and we have a tree up and stockings hung. I haven't been Christmas shopping yet I plan to go this weekend, I know aren't I horrible?  So that's all I have for now aside from a ton of awesome pictures :)
Enjoy the snow everyone and happy holidays!
Here's some pictures I took out at bomkes
Our house right after the snow!  Isn't it adorable!

Our tree from start to finish ♥