Cooler temps, lazy weekends ♥

The temps finally dropped a little this weekend, not that I'm trying to wish the year away, but it was a nice change of pace from the humidity and allergies I've been dying from the last couple weeks. Plus I get to turn our AC off and open windows, and nothing beats some good fresh cool air in the house ♥ love.

Mackenzie had a sleep over at her grandma and dads on Friday night and a playdate with one of her school friends Saturday morning so the house was pretty quiet for the first half of the weekend for Mike and me. It gave me a chance to get a little extra sleep which was devine although it also meant I didn't accomplish much [or any] of the housework I should have been doing. Sigh. There's always next weekend ;)

It also gave me a chance to read a little bit more in one of the dozens of books that have been begging for my attention on my nook! Alice in Zombieland (by Lewis Carroll & Nickolas Cook)! Yes it's along the lines of pride and prejudice and zombies, the original book changed a bit here and there to concoct an awesome combination of a book I already liked and a new spin not yet done in the hundreds of tv,mini series, movies, comics, and other books (although as a side note if you get a chance to check out the Looking Glass Wars trilogy by Frank Beddor you definitely should its an awesome take on Wonderland, even though its intended for a younger audience) so far I like it a lot. Seth Graham Smiths Pride and Prejudice and Zombies is still the novel I tend to judge the rest of the these 'edited classics' against,  but so far I'm completely intrigued with where this book is going, it's very hard to put down.

Also a quick stop into Teavana to restock resulted in discovering a new favorite tea: youthberry wild orange blossom! Soooo yummy!  Hot or cold! Which is rare for me I'm not on board with too many hot teas.

So I spent my quiet morning doing my nails, drinking my tea, and reading my book, and being completely in love with my new(ish) grey suede boots my friend Sarina got me last winter and I never got an opportunity to wear due to all the snow and ice and slight lack of tread... they are super comfortable and cute tho im going to wear the stuffing out of them this Fall! ♥♥♥♥♥♥