What's my Age Again

Rejoice! The boy loves Blink 182! While simultaneously making me feel awesome and old, this is a wonderful little development for our household. For fear of sounding rather crotchety, it seems good music has gone the way of the buffalo, I'm hard pressed to find anything these days outside of the occasional country song that really makes me want to listen to it again and again like music used to. I get very excited when I find new music I haven't heard before and actually love. "New" might be somewhat of a relative term, "new to me" might be better since it would seem a good chunk of stuff that I hear, be it by a TV show, radio, perusing the inter-webs... whatever, actually turns out to be quite "old" (if you go by technology standards where anything over 6 months is ancient). It was quite refreshing to know there's still music being made out there that will excite me.
OOOO! I see an opportunity for a list! Let's do this!

Top 5 Songs I love right this minute!! (In no particular order):
KONGOS - Come With Me Now - This is a bouncy awesome good for motivation to get movin' type song.
The Coasters - Down In Mexico - Who remembers the Grindhouse movie Death Proof from a few years back? Well if you didn't already know this song or explore some of the older goodness out there, this is the song that she give Kurt Russell a lap dance to at the bar. It is one of my favorite songs to dance around the house listening to.
Luke Bryan - That's My Kinda Night - I don't even care if you don't like country OR Luke Bryan (I do care, if you don't like Luke Bryan we probably can't be friends) I dare you not to shake your butt to this. So fun. (If you honestly don't find yourself wanting to move to this song then not only are we probably not compatible as friend but your probably a communist. Just saying.)
The Weepies - The World Spins Madly On - Ok, I can't lie this one had to grow on me, and a large chunk of what won me over had everything to do with the video they made for it because... AWWWWW! It's a little too emo and kinda sad honestly for my usual tastes, but I wanted to watch the video enough that the song started to get stuck in my head and it just grew on me.
The Silent Comedy - Bartholomew - Who watches the Originals!? Love it. This song was in one of the first season episodes where Klaus takes on a whole heap of vampires and its all sorts of super serious, and it just caught me, I loved it. Not exactly a super danceable diddy, but I manage it just fine. Especially in the kitchen. When no ones around. Which is actually where most of my dancing happens. Sometimes accompanied by my tiny boy who most definitely silently judges me, I can tell.

Well that was fun. I danced to all of those while I made that list for the record. The boy is asleep now, the sultry tones from Tom DeLonge and Mark Hoppus (and I guess Travis but he doesn't sing on any of the stuff the boy is listening to...) apparently lulled him right into nap time. Maybe he's dreaming about running naked through town. Or food.

So... there is some news that hasn't been widely shared yet outside of direct family... and I'm getting very very excited as it draws near. (No, I am not pregnant again for those that immediately jumped on that wagon, I just lost all that weight and am still trying to lose more, I'm in no hurry to put it right back on.) It will be announced soon and it will be marvelous and there will be a celebratory "yay" on my behalf :) To show good faith I will give you a hint. It's something I've waited for for over a decade.

Alright. There are things I should be doing. Like cleaning before my brother gets here in a couple weeks. Or at least telling myself that's what I'm going to do, I think we all know I'll put it off till the day before he gets here then I'll just run around like a crazy lady and somehow it will mostly get done thru magic, and I'll just keep profusely apologizing for the dirty spots that are still visible like every other red blooded house frau out there.

Someone knew I was going to try to clean. He woke up and said naynay. Also no that's not a hospital gown draped over me there, it's a blanket, I was preparing for him to barf on me.