Wait wait weight!

Ahhh yes officially under 4 weeks. It's a nice thought after what has been truly just an insane couple weeks.
So here's the deal... last week my bp decided to jump a little at my checkup, which considering the very difficult bombshell work decided to drop that Monday, was not actually that surprising to me but listen friends: if you want to know the secret to panicking your OB, have a sudden bp spike after having 8 months of perfect blood pressure readings. This will come with a side of protein showing up in your biweekly pee test and all hell will proceed to break loose no matter how many times you try to explain the stress happening at work at that moment. So then the next maneuver is to get poked because there hasn't been a reason to get stabbed with needles since your glucose test and it seems like an ideal moment to scratch that itch. A pre eclampsia screen then ensues and you get this very discreet florescent orange jug to take home and spend the next 24 hours peeing into. It's pretty much the most fun you can have without actually having any fun at all. Fortunately for me, my results came back the next day looking fabulous and clearing the pre eclampsia scare away!... untill the next week. Sigh. So after missing 2 and a half days of work (they put you on bed rest for this whole pee collection process because most work places frown on their employees keeping containers of urine in the break room fridge.) I went to work the next Monday and got to be there a whole hour when the room proceeds to start carousel mode and food and water wasn't slowing it down. My boss gave me a ride out of there at our hr ladys urging  because nobody wants an 8 months pregnant woman keeling over in their office, and after a 5 hour back and forth with the doc I end up having ANOTHER pre eclampsia screen. Sigh. These results, which I got back this morning,  came back looking even better than my first screen and I was cleared to go back to work. Now let me just say, first of all, I do not nor have I ever thought I'm pre eclamptic. I'm pushing 200 lbs now(omg did I really just admit that on the internet!? Indeed folks, I have gained 40 lbs with this pregnancy), my feet and legs are swollen and look like water balloons that are about to explode, and I get some pretty killer headaches that long overstay their welcome, but I'm also attached to my body, have been for the last 28 years, and I have a pretty good beat on what's going on with myself. Something was definitely wrong on Monday but it wasn't pre eclampsia and it was very frustrating that that's really all they were interested in checking for. Apparently when you're pregnant your either pre eclamptic or you're fine. And it doesn't help that they put you on a hair trigger at that point either, they basically told us if I go to the hospital due to one of the zillion signs they told me to keep an eye out for while on bed rest and the doctor said the magic word, they wouldn't wait around I'd be delivering a baby then and there. Ookkkaaayyyy. Oh oops nvm you're fine go on back to work. Keep an eye on your blood pressure tho! Well at this point doc, you are now the reason my bp is high lol
So it's just been a lovely time here lately :) buttttt what can ya do.

Tomorrow is my babies birthday.  She is going to be 6 years old and I'm going to have a nervous breakdown. I can't believe it's another birthday already, didn't we just have her 5th bday party like a few months ago!? What happened?? And she's starting 1st grade in less than a month! (We thought it would be fun to try to have a baby right on the first week of school ;)) 1st grade!!!  Jeepers. I can't handle it. I just need it all to slow down a tad, I mean once the baby gets here I'm definitely ready to be done being pregnant, but then if things could just sllllloooowww down a little bit and let me breathe that would be awesome. 
Kenzie is spending her whole birthday this year with her dad which is a first, I've never not spent her birthday with her so I'm sure by the time I'm off work I'll be an even bigger nutcase (maybe we should see what my bp is then! I'm sure it'll be nice and low) than I already am. We are going to have a party for her Saturday hopefully if me and this tiny giant living inside me can come to an understanding about stopping the shenanigans. He's under direct orders to wait for Sarina to get back from recovering before making his big appearance anyway, not that he'll listen, he appears to be very much like his dad already =P