8 months pregnant... jeepers.

I haven't been the best at updating lately, there's been a lot going on its been a crazy few weeks. My bestie had to go in for surgery about 3 weeks ago and it's proven to be a difficult recovery with it's share of complications but she's a damn trooper, she'll be back to 100% before she knows it :)
I have to take a side note here before I really get into the Me Me Me part of this post and just say she is amazing, which over the last few weeks of observing this and that, I feel is partly due to her own built up and learned strength and resolve and partly inherited from some pretty amazing parents. My dear best buddy is one of the most headstrong stubborn (not her only redeeming qualities just the ones relevant to this) individuals I've ever met (what could possibly have drawn us together in such a beautiful friendship? ;) lol), and it's been absolutely heart wrenching not only watching her lay there in very obvious discomfort and pain, and putting a smile on her face and listening to me talk about whatever silliness happened to me that day, but also to see her mom and dad sit there next to me seeing her be so uncomfortable and a bit(dare I say it, she'll probably be furious with me if she reads this..) scared. As a mom myself, I feel like it would just be a nightmare to see that happening to your child in front of you and feel like there's nothing you can do but sit there and watch other people file in and out of this tiny room and tell you... or NOT tell you... All the things they think might be wrong while more and more unexplained things pop up and more questions than answers start stacking up and I don't know that I would have handled it half as well as they have if it were me in their shoes,it was hard enough to keep my mouth shut at times with my best friend laying in a hospital bed, I can't imagine the monster I would be to deal with it if it were my daughter. Her mom and dad both have been the prime example of what I would hope I could be if I ever had to be in their position, strong, understanding, firm in demanding information and updates unrelenting in their wishes for adequate care and not being forgotten to the daily grind but still friendly with the same people that were sometimes the source of frustration...  I can't imagine it's easy, I would be just going out of my mind screaming at people to fix her. And on top of all of that they take the time to let me come by and visit and answer my texts and keep me updated on what's happening and it's just... kind of incredible. They're a pretty amazing family. As for bestie herself, like I said... she's amazing.  The level of stuff she's dealing with, most people wouldn't handle with half as much grace if there was only one situation happening at a time, let alone everything happening at once. Divorce (from an asshole she's waaaayyyy better off without, but still divorce always sucks) and all of the fun things that come with that, moving,  surgery... followed by complications... followed by a few more complications... and she still smiles. Takes a minute to laugh at silly things. Says thank you when someone does something for her... She's just a pretty incredible person. I feel very lucky to be able to call her my friend.
Alright alright, enough, I know... kinda went a little touchy feely there, don't worry it was weird for me too.
In other news - Mike and I have decided to run away to Alaska.  :) kidding.
But we did settle on a name for Baby Vose. :)
And have started gathering (and receiving thanks to a lovely baby shower from his family) stuffs for our little giant. I probably should have been prepared with a picture or two... maybe ill take a couple before I post this and add them in. My nesting energy spree never hit and with only a few weeks left it would be real nifty if it could kick in like.. This weekend. We have a lot to do still, I haven't even packed our hospital bag! I know! Living dangerously.  I'm getting nervous,  we had our first talks with the doc about inducing a week early(due to my concerns about how big Baby V will be)and what all that will mean with my looming gall bladder surgery and FMLA and maternity leave, and some other awesome big news that will be shared at a later time. Mackenzie is getting sooooo excited for the big sister part of life! She's been asking a lot of questions,  (especially in the mornings on the way to school for some reason..) about what babies do and eat and like lol and what if this and what about that. .. I must admit there's been the occasional question I don't know how to answer lol but its still exciting just seeing her get excited. She did ask the other morning why her brothers last name wouldn't be the same as hers (for those that don't know, she has my last name not her dads, it was a different time, I was a different person, and it wasn't a fairy tale relationship, but I got my beautiful wonderful amazing daughter out of it so I have no regrets about any of it)  and that was an interesting conversation but she soaked it in pretty well, obviously I gave her a little bit more of the talking to a 5 year old version of that story, and I recall bringing the dogs into play as examples of why things turn out the way they do sometimes lol then we just started talking about dogs and why we need a new one (because we don't have a very fluffy one like Zephyr (our cat) yet is the answer btw, we're looking at you Mike.)
So anyway. My battery is dying and I'm pretty sure my phone is going to have a nervous breakdown when I upload this since my battery was at 80% when I started and is at 27% now lol, but that's my update, I promise to have some more pictures and fun stuff for my next one, hang in there.
Hanging oout in the hallway at the hospital

Big momma! 
this kid is a professional at naps, she means business.
Miss.Nikki getting some Baby Vose high belly  fives :)

Teaching Kenzie to play Go Fish at the hospital :)