Half way there!

20 weeks officially down, 20 more to go! So exciting! Baby is doing great, slightly on the chubby side apparently weighing in at a pound already! Very stubborn as well, our poor ultrasound tech had her work cut out for her trying to get all the measurements and shots she needed.
It was a slightly rough week last week healthwise in our house, I had a surprise gall bladder attack Tuesday night around 1 and we had to get Kenzie out of bed and all truck down to the ER, come to find out I can have attacks even when it has nothing to do with food, and that kept us there till about 7:30 Wednesday morning so once discharged home we went for some much needed rest. I got moving around noon because MacKenzie was demanding food so I made her a sandwich and laid back down for a couple hours while Mike left to try to get some work in for the day, and when I got up because baby was informing me it was time to pee (bb is very insistent on this peeing thing, ignoring and holding off because I just went 20 minutes ago is not an option, I get assaulted with tiny pokes if I try to) and I wander into the bathroom to find my daughter sitting on the floor by the toilet looking pathetic.  I barely asked what was wrong before I found myself holding her hair for her while she barfed up everyone she's ever eaten throughout her whole lifespan. Having the worst mom in the world feeling spiraling up inside me I assumed I'd be handed my mom of the year award for giving my daughter bad turkey or something because that seemed the most obvious answer for her insides to be revolting against her like that and I wasn't sure what to do to make her feel better because anytime I had her sip a drink of water just to get the taste out of her mouth she immediately began barfing again. It was heartbreaking to see her like that. By Friday she still wasn't better and had been spending her days relatively catatonic on my grandma's couch so we made a trip to prompt care. The good news, u did not poison her with foul turkey (foul fowl?) She had a good ol fashioned stomach flu, a real nasty one. But we can fix stomach flus! Stomach flus are not mysterious personality snatching ebola strains that will slowly destroy my daughter from the inside out! Some pedialite and the little mermaid and snuggles and we were starting to feel better. And then.. my tummy started feeling a little off. Pffffft.  Ate too many oreos probably.  Well, that wasn't wrong. Fortunately for my girlish prego figure I promptly started projectile vomiting the delicious stomach offenders all over the place. And then some more. And then when there was nothing left I figured why not make sure I was good and cleaned out. It was awful and horrible and happened so fast all I could do at one point was lay down and cry because I just did not want to barf anymore and then I immediately started again. Yep. My daughter is far tougher and braver then I when it comes to being sick apparently. It lasted most of the weekend I finally started feeling better in time to go back to work Monday now that all of my benefit time has officially been burned, and kenzie is back at school all stomach ailments on both counts seem fully recovered and it's all good. The only worse for the wear was that all of the sickness did end up making me lose some weight so my weigh in at my appointment was not where it should have been but given all that happened and that baby is still doing ahhhhmazing, we are still ok. It's all that back up fluff I had already stockpiled pre-pregnancy ;) had some to spare.

Wooooo! So yeah! Exciting huh? And now I'm mentally preparing myself for driving Kenzie down to see my mother for Spring Break because time just sort of flew by and now it's already Thursday and I have to pack her suitcase tomorrow after work so we can leave bright and squirrely Saturday morning. The goal while she is down in Texas is to get her room cleaned up and sorted out so we can start setting up BB's stuff too and to maybe tackle some other house projects we've been wanting to work on. And to not go crazy thinking about how far away she is and wondering why the house is so quiet.

My girls first big trip away from me. Sigh. I will survive it. Probably. I think I need to go make a cookie in a cup.

So here's a couple of the sono pictures, look at BB's adorable little feets! And my big ol belly! (I'll probably be itching to take that one down as soon as I post this) have a great night all. I'll take some nifty pictures of our Lil road trip this weekend.