15 weeks n other stuffs

So I'm around 15 weeks (4 months-ish) along now and everyone that talks to me or is on my facebook knows that I'm at that awkward stage where I don't really look pregnant yet, I just kind of look like I'm getting fat lol
Most of my jeans and pants cannot be comfortably worn buttoned/zipped so I dash around most of the day with the hair-tie method employed or with my pants just unbuttoned and lots of hopes and happy thoughts that they don't wiggle off while I'm waddling around. I'm also not big enough for maternity clothes yet I don't believe, but I never wore maternity pants in my first pregnancy, and I don't plan to with this one because I just can't see paying for a pair of jeans (btw... they're ridiculously expensive almost anywhere considering you only wear them for a few months at best) that I will never put on again post-pregnancy. A friend recommended the belly band because that's what she is using/used and she loves them so I ordered one I found for 8 bucks and it will be here soon, if it's awesome I will scream it from roof tops and order one in every color I can find... or find a Pinterest tutorial that tells me how to make my own because hey... owls and skulls and peacock feathers and zebra stripes are probably not readily on the market for belly bands currently, and wouldn't that just be awesome to have!? I may look into that anyhow... if it works out well I guess I could post the results and share the loveliness. Also, I have no shame, I will probably still use the crap out of them even after bb gets here because I'm forever running out of tank tops (Laundry Day is always juuust around the corner) and my muffin top hips sort of dictate that I engage some sort of layering method to 'smooth things out'.
In the mean time, I've found that I'm at my comfiest in dresses and highwaisted skirts, and they make me look the most normal. This would be more ideal if our weather would stop PMSing... I'm so sick of snow. Farmers Almanac says we're not done with it yet either. Here's the Farmers Almanac 2013/2014 Winter outlook they predicted back in August '13... it's depressing so read at your own risk. but I have a large variety of tights and leggings (although Nikki is doing her best to narrow them down by ripping them to shreds while we're sleeping at night... maybe she's trying to teach me a lesson about putting clothes away instead of leaving them about in baskets?) and sweaters and boots to keep me warm until things calm down a bit. As long as I manage to pay attention to the weather enough to not throw on a short dress on one of the more windy days (I don't want to be the mom standing at school waiting for my daughter and flashing the world my great big bum every time a gust blows) everything works out fine. Also... it would be great if just one weekend the weather could cooperate enough for Sarina to come take some pictures for me. Most of the pictures I like and want to do are outdoors, and while we've had the occasional decent day during the week days, I work office hours, she works retail hours, and Mike works crazy who knows when hours, so the weekend is our best bet to have enough time to get some pictures shot and so far, the weather has thrown a big ol' eff yo pictures in our direction. I'd love to get some done in time for St.Patricks Day. Fingers crossed and happy thoughts.

So anyway.. here I am! at 14/15 weeks in all my goofy glory :)

How far? 15 weeks
Weight gain? according to my weigh in last Wednesday (at the surgeon not the OB) I'm up 2 lbs from my last weigh in lol, but I feel like I've gained waaaay more than that because of the my ever growing buddha belly.
Any particular pregnancy signs? Just tired. All.The.Time. I feel like I have narcolepsy, I could honestly take a nap at any given moment. And I want milk and oreos all the time but if that's a pregnancy sign then I'm not sure what my excuse was before.
And you're craving? other than milk and oreos... milk and anything... milk and captain crunch is also good. and milk and chocolate chip cookies. And still Alfredoooooo! all day every day :D hasn't gotten old yet. Last week my baby brought me home Olive Garden fettucine alfredo and a couple breadsticks left over from something they had catered at work and I was in h.e.a.v.e.n.
Boy/Girl? We want a boy!
Got a name yet?  Not yet... don't want to jinx anything! I have one I like dancing around my head though.
Favorite thing so far? I can feel right where bb is now. I showed Mike the other night just below my belly button, I can't feel any movement yet obviously (kinda early for that) but you can feel the hard spot there where bb is chilling. 
Least favorite? Lol probably Mike's mom informing me Mike and his brother were both big babies! 9 1/2 lbs and 10 1/2 lbs!!!! (Mackenzie was only 6 lbs) I was so speechless after that bit of info, me and my vagina almost cried. (too much? sorry, not sorry.)
Any advice to other mommies to be? Take the naps when you can. You'll wish you had when your 8/9 months pregnant and can't sleep anymore. Wish someone would have told me the first time around but I'm definitely taking what I can this time.
Confession time! Make it goodMy emotions are starting to go into overdrive. I get oddly tensed and tear up a little at most of Kenzie's Disney movies when we watch them; When I thought Olaf was going to melt towards the end of Frozen you'd think I just got fired at work. And then I realize what just happened and I'm like uhhh wtf was that? 
Outlook? Happy :)

So other than bb stuffs, it's been a good few weeks. We took Mackenzie ice skating for the first time (she loved it and now wants to play hockey) and went to the Home Expo this weekend to look around at ideas for the many things we have in mind for the house, and Mackenzie got her face painted which appeared to be the highlight of her whole 5th year of living thus far to see how she acted afterward. I lost a pretty good buddy at work (to another job, not in the death kind of way) so that's not overly exciting for me but I was super happy for him, guess I better find some more audiobooks to listen to lol I'm open to suggestions on that. My nieces turned 2 a few days ago and I can't believe they're that old already, I need a job that pays a little more and my vacation time to roll over so I can go see them already, I think I'm the only one who hasn't yet :( plus it'd be nice to see my bruddy and sister-in-law, ESPECIALLY now that they're in Texas. Last time I saw them Erin was still pregnant with the girls and I developed an unhealthy addiction to oreo bon bons. I love the pictures they send me though, they just get cuter every day. I hope the "terrible two's" goes as smooth and mythbusting for them as it did for me with Mackenzie, she was an awesome 2 year old! And I got some things taken care of with my tax return, bills sorted out, debt paid off, money set aside, and ordered some niftyness from one of my favorite websites MODCLOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for it to get here. Get ready for that, pictures galore y'all. 

Okiedokie, night night time for me <33