So here's what happened...

Ok, so now that we've finally told the internets our awesome news! Here's the whole story on what's been happening :)... well most of it, some of it you just don't need to know ;)
First of all let me tell you, we have known since early December and it's been absolutely killing us not to say anything because as not many people know... we had actually been trying for a little while, so when we got the news it was a surprise but only because I was at prompt care when we were told for a completely different issue... The infamous gall bladder lol. I had just taken a pregnancy test a few weeks before and to our disappointment it had come back negative, so imagine the surprise when the nurse came in and told us right in the middle of one of my gall bladder attacks! I was only 5 weeks when we found out which is Super Early, most people have no idea that early on, and with all of the medical problems I was having, and how many things can go wrong in the first trimester anyway,  we made the decision to keep it quiet untill we felt confident that everything would be ok. We did, of course, each tell our parents who were absolutely excited but also understood our reasons for not wanting to spread the word too quickly.
So, now being pregnant, Prompt Care promptly sent us to the ER for further treatment where they did a 2nd sonogram on my gall bladder and finally found stones (I'd had one in October and they couldn't find stones at that time) just in time for them to say they couldn't do anything about it since I was pregnant lol siiiigh, so they put me on an antibiotic due to a very high white blood cell count indicating I had an infection somewhere (which we would find out was my liver) and sent us on our way. The antibiotic worked great and i actually started to feel great and got a little overconfident with eating i suppose *pregnancy cravings are wonderful* since it seemed I could eat whatever i wanted again and wasn't having attacks :) yaaaay
Then one fateful night last week, i ate a couple breadsticks and all hell broke loose. I had another attack out of the blue, a real bad one and it lasted all night, i went to work the next day not overly feeling great but felt pretty okay by the end of the day and by Thursday felt normal finally. .. until after lunch. A *probably* bad lunch decision was made *dammit pregnancy cravings!* and i had to go see my doctor a few hours after lunch because i was having another attack. She put me back on the antibiotic I'd been on earlier that month and that was really all they could do so i went home to try and get through it, and tried to go back to work again Friday again not feeling great.  I tried to eat a handful of crackers and some water in the morning since I have to take that pill with food and that alone caused another attack to flare and i had to leave work again. Later that evening i was still having it and the on-call OB doctor for my doctor (who we still hadn't met yet my first appt wasn't for a few more days) advised me to go to the ER and prepared me that they would probably remove it. Well they didn't.  They didn't do anything.  It was the first time we had been truly disappointed in them, but then again that's a risky surgery when pregnant so it's also kind of understandable they didn't want to assume that kind of risk in the ER if they didn't have to.
So needless to say, it's been a very long couple of weeks and we finally saw my OB yesterday and she is just wonderful.  We got our sonogram and all of the first appointment exams done and Mike stayed right by me the whole time and we were assured everything looks great so far, Baby Vose even danced for us a little bit during the sono ♡
So aside from the pending call in a few days with my blood test results, everything looks great and my OB said my gall bladder absolutely can and should come out as soon as I hit my 2nd trimester and has scheduled me a consult with their surgeon :) yesterday was a very good news day :) .... well aside from another Winter Storm hitting.  Sigh, yep ready for spring. Done done DONE with winter.

So that's where we are at, I'm sure the gall bladder saga makes a little more sense now to my medically employed friends who were like just take the damn thing out already!

We are sooooo happy and i cannot wait to start posting adorable pictures and shop for awesome baby gear! Especially since I've already done it once now and have a way better idea of what I'm doing now lol :)

I hope everyone has a wonderful week and if you're in my area pleeeeease be careful out there, it's terrible in the roads this morning especially if you're out in the country like us so please please be careful if you go somewhere!  I will be going to work later but I'm waiting for the plows to come by and the sun to come up so I can see a little more what I'm getting into. Happy Wednesday all!