12 weeks

So I'm about 12 weeks a long now :) happy dance!

Some people say they can already see my belly starting to stick out, some people say I look like I'm losing weight lol, they're all right though, I am losing weight because of my new weird diet plan but my doctor assures baby is super healthy and getting everything he/she needs, I've lost so much weight I can't even wear my infamous mothers day ring from Mike (the one that everyone sees and thinks means we got secretly engaged lol) because it's too big now :( so it's hanging around my neck untill I get my fat fingers back :) but my slightly slimmer thighs and hips do seem to be highlighting my nice little growing Buddha belly lol at least to me! It's cute :)
I'm starting to feel better, which is good,  it makes me feel like all these meds they've got me hopped up on are actually doing something. I've discovered that I can handle small portions of chicken Alfredo THANK GOD because I want it like.... All the time. All the time. The only thing I want more than that is a chicken fajita quesidilla from xochi and I don't think I'll be brave enough to try that for quite some time. .. lol like maybe a couple weeks after the surgery. Also no pizza, red meat, ice cream, and anything super greasy or even normal greasy... staying away from all that till the inflamed monstrosity and all its little minions have been vacated from my internal workings.

So here's what the view looks like from my point of view at 12 weeks ♡

How far? 12 weeks
Weight gain? down 11 lbs. my weight when I found I was pregnant was 160lbs as of today I'm at 149, but it'll go up soon.
Any particular pregnancy signs? Not as much anymore but I was outrageously nauseous for the first 9 weeks, ESPECIALLY weeks 8 and 9, whooooo boy!
And you're craving?.... Chicken Alfredo from Luca or Olive Garden! Or chicken marsala! and fajita quesidillas and chips and queso from Xochi. And doughnuts! And fried rice and crab rangoon! Ohhhhhhh and orange chicken. And steak! A big old steak and garlic toast. And oreos. Ok yeah I'm craving lots of things..
Boy/Girl? We want a boy!
Got a name yet?  Not yet... don't want to jinx anything!
Favorite thing so far? My sonogram :) we got to see Baby Vose do a little dance for us ♡
Least favorite? Being nauseous/tired and my gall bladder problems
Any advice to other mommies to be? Relaaaxxxx. Everything is scary in the first trimester it's easy to get worked up.  Not even my first pregnancy and I'm still guilty of it. All that stress helps nothing. :)
Confession time! Make it good! I completely forgot about all of the gross stuff that comes with pregnancy that NOBODY warns you about (except maybe your OB well after you've already figured it out) lol send me victorias secret gift cards, I'm gonna need to do some shopping.
Outlook? Sleepy and positive and excited :)