(nearly) Summer Lovin'

So I guess this post is going to just have tons of big exciting news - if you're me anyway.
First things first, I'm almost done with classes for this semester! and as far as I know I've got A's in all my classes so that's pretty awesome. I'm pumped about that. 2 more weeks and 3 more exams to go.
Secondly, I'm going to Texas in a couple months for ____ weeks! I'm so freaking excited about this it's unreal. It's nice knowing I don't have to worry about burning vacation time or not getting paid (you know... cause I'm already not getting paid and all. Unless you count hundreds of kisses from my chitlins (and neverending laundry and dishes.)) There's a definite departure date for me to go down there on June 20th, the getting back part is a little up in the air, especially since it seems so far like it'll just be me and the kids going. Wooooo 16 hour drive with a 6 year old and 10 month old in my 12 year old car!!!! Haha it ought to be fun. I can't wait to get my hands on some food that I definitely don't need but totally waaaannnnnnt :D Connor's gonna meet his grandma and Kenzie and I are going to get to soak up some Texas sun and enjoy a renewed fear of fire ants. It's going to be great.
Third - I have 3 subscriptions now that I'm in love with - two are from A Beautiful Mess, my longest loved blog ever! I'm currently subscribed to their messy box and happy mail and I got my first packages from both of them and they come fully equipped to make my geeky little scrapbooking pen-pal wannabe heart explode with happiness. The 3rd is Loot Crate, which I've also gotten my first box of now and OH.MY.GOD. Can we just talk for a minute about how wonderful these little bank account draining miracles in a box are? I'm in love. And possibly addicted? We may need to check me into subscription service rehab soon because I'm definitely a big fan of all this loveliness being handed to me at my door. I don't even have to leave the house.  Let me just tell you these were the top 3 winners from a whole list of things I wanted to subscribe to including:
Birchbox - make up box
Ipsy - make up box
My Geeky Goodies - kinda obvious what this is.
Nerd Block: The Comic Block, The Horror Block, and The Classic Nerd Block all look ahhhmazing. These might still happen who knows.
Pigment + Palette - an art box
So who knows I may try one or two of the other subscriptions out soon but for now I'm super happy with the ones I've got. 
I feel like one box in isn't exactly a great true judgement period of time, so I'm going to give each of these another month to make sure I really am as in love as I feel right now, and then I'm going to put up the pictures of each box side by side for the 2 months and see if they were really worth what I paid for them, and so that if anyone else is curious you can see what these things are packin. Or if anyone is already getting one of these let me know your thoughts!!

So that's it for now really, I'm in kind of a blah mood so I sort of wrote this blog out more for me than anything to remind me that I have a lot of awesome stuff happening right now and I should be super happy about all of it :) 
Now I have an argument paper to draft and some grammar quizzes to take so goodnight goons. I hope you all have a lovely night and weekend. 52 more days till Texas!!!!