The annual invasion of word hearts and mystery chocolate boxes

Did that title sound a little pessimistic? Not sorry, Valentines day is dumb. Not sorry for that either.
I once (many moons ago when I was childless and living in an apartment with stereotypical neighbors that liked to bang on the walls and tell us to keep it down) actually had an anti-valentines day party where instead of hearts and red, white, and pink decorations, we had triangles and circles and all the colors were black, green, and blue. It was a big hit. I don't necessarily knock people that enjoy celebrating a lil' VD (sorry couldn't help it)... but I can't help but wonder why people like it. I mean... why wait for a fake holiday to profess love or lust or whatever it is your wanting to profess to someone else? I guarantee you she or he is going to be just as stoked to get those chalky word hearts or flowers any other day of the year as well. Why not make Tuesday day a special one? No, no... must wait for Valentines Day... that's when romance happens.  And to think.. all this coming from someone in a happy relationship that has also in fact had quite a few valentines of her own throughout her life. I have no disparaging story, no tale of woe from some horrible Valentines Day long since past that scarred me for life, I just think the day is dumb. I'll sooner celebrate the fact that it's a Saturday before I'll be stoked about a day invented by the candy company. Not that any of this is going to stop me from sitting down with my mini-me and making 28 custom felt sticker Valentines for her classmates, but I'm going to have a bottle of wine while I do it to suppress the urges that undoubtedly will surface to explain to my darling child what a bogus holiday it actually is. Also I have to remain cool so she doesn't find out about the secret list I'll be simultaneously making of all the boys in her class that need their lives threatened. Don't underestimate the message behind the amount of stickers a 6 year old applies to a valentine. There's some deep meaning there.
Ah. Now that that's out of my system. Let's move on.

My house is currently in a state of unrest. I've slipped into a rather bad habit of staying up till 4 in the morning to complete homework or exams because... well... that's the quietest time in the house. This means sometime around 4:30 I'll meander off to bed, wake up an hour and a half later to get my daughter out of bed and fed and ready for school, put her on the bus at 7, feed the boy his first bottle of the day, tell myself this will be the day I stay awake and do the backlogged cleaning I wanted to do yesterday (and the day before and the day before) and get some homework done during the day so I'm not trying to do it at night.... and then promptly pass out on the couch with my tiny sleep therapist while watching PBS cartoons until around 11 or so when the boy demands "moooaaar fooood". This is not a healthy lifestyle choice. While I do enjoy my morning naps with my stinker, this particular morning nap is his longest of the day and is really my best opportunity to clean and/or do school work. Any other naps he takes for the rest of the day between lunch and bedtime are only about 30 minutes long, afternoons and evenings are the boys happy play time rapidly followed by his fussy "I'm the King of the World and you are all disappointing me" time, concluded with "I'm going to fight these sleepy eyes until you finally concede and give me another bottle which I'm going to take exactly one and a half drinks from" time, before slipping into his volatile nighttime sleep in which blinking too loud will wake him up and he will let the people 3 towns over know of his displeasure of such events. Props to Kenzie though, that kid could probably sleep through a tornado going over her head.
Seriously tho, doesn't he make sleeping look like the best idea?

 So my goal here, is to break this bad habit, buy an energy drink or 2 (or 9) and fight the urge to curl up with my tiny sleep therapist (his snores are seriously hypnotizing, it's incredible how well I sleep snuggled up with him), and clean the damned house tomorrow. Get my schoolwork for tomorrow done before his lunch bottle, and then spend the afternoon playing and feeling good about myself for getting things done in such a timely manner. This is absolutely not how this is actually going to go down, but that is the goal. I even made a plan. Like an actual written out on paper plan. Well not paper, it's actually written on a dry erase board, which I feel will come in handy for the stuff I don't get done, I can just sort of make it never exist on the things to get done board. Boom.

In exciting news, we got our tax returns recently! Wooooot $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Ok not actually that much money, but enough to pay off Mike's truck and have a little extra for our budget, which I am completely excited for. Real grocery shopping and day trips out of the house here we come!!!! I had no idea how much it meant to me to be able to get out of the house for a little while, even if we had nothing in particular to do. Just being able to run up to the park and sit or run to the grocery store to get a few things, just little things to get out of the house had a much bigger impact on me than I realized when I wasn't able to do them. You know how animals at the zoo pace back and forth because they're all caged up and grumpy about it? Yeeeaaah. It's no good for anyone in the vicinity when Momma starts pacing back and forth. I think that probably had a little bit to do with why it was so easy to slip into the little night owl routine as well, If it weren't for having to put my daughter to bed at a certain time I'd have absolutely no concept of time whatsoever after being stuck inside the house all day long. I'm thinking about putting a post together showing what our general budget looks like, that way if anyone's curious or wondering if they could make it work themselves they could get an idea what we're living on and how we make it work... but I haven't decided if I want to put that out there yet. Money's a funny thing.
Alright then!! 11:30... school work for the day is done... house... is still a mess BUT that shall be taken care of tomorrow! Because I'll be awake! Getting things and stuff done! And probably putting up another post about our newest tool in the arsenal against Kenzie's uber-drama queen tendencies... the crybaby jar. It's a hoot and a half so far I'm not gonna lie. Well for us it is anyway, Kenzie probably doesn't think so. More on that tomorrow tho.

Also... if anyone near my general location has any great ideas of the best place to donate clothes, shout them out, e-mail me or leave it on my facebook where I linked this post. I have a number of things I'm going to donate, as well as a few things that will probably head that way if they don't sell within a week or two (I have like no patience at all at waiting around for people) and I was going to just send them to Goodwill but figured I should find out if there's another place that might get more use from them.
Goodnight all! Think happy thoughts for my getting things done plan! It's gonna happen y'all! And if it does there will be photographic evidence just for S & G's :)