6 months milestones... also this is my 50th post!

Tomorrow my little boy will be 6 months old. This seems insane to me, didn't we just bring him home from the hospital? Wasn't I just pregnant last week? I'm certainly not rebounded into pre-pregnancy body bliss. By the time he was 6 months I was pretty sure I'd be rocking my size 9's again... nevermind the fact that I wasn't even a size 9 pre-Connor lol, maybe pre-Kenzie. I mean I'm a stay at home mom now! I go to school full time online (with one once a week on campus class), I should have had plenty of time to get back into shape right? I'm a shape now... kind of an amorphous cylinder-ish type shape. I guess it's hard to squeeze my workouts in between doing homework, loving on my kids, and taking naps. Who knew. I did in fact buy a rowing machine to assist with work out motivations, and I've had it for a little less than a week now but I'm pretty in love with it. I may not achieve the body of a super model on it but damn it makes me feel good. Turns out rowing might actually be an amazing stress reliever for this momma, plus it's smaller so I can just keep it upstairs in the closet and flip it down in the middle of the living room. So far my favorite thing to do is put on the Originals or Vampire Diaries while the boy is napping and row while I'm watching one of those shows. That's a pretty solid hours worth of rowing and let me tell you, when I first got on it I was like pffffft how is this supposed to give me a workout? And by the end of that hour I was like AHHHHHHH I'M DYING AND MADE OUT OF JELLO!! So, the workout is there. And I always feel pretty awesome when I'm done. Definitely glad I have it thus far. I didn't really want to get a treadmill because... quite frankly... they're boring. And in my house the only place for a treadmill would be the basement and that's pretty much just a guarantee that I won't be using it. I don't want to trek down to the basement where there's no windows, no tv, quite possibly an ax-murderer, and my arch enemy... crickets. NO. No going to the basement for exercise. With ellipticals I run into the same problem... space. Basement. Ax-wielding crickets. NONONO. In case you were wondering why I didn't go one of those routes. There you have it. So I will post up my progress on the rowing machine every few weeks or so. I feel like that's a Friday kind of post. Every other Friday... That's when that will go down.

There's been lots of stuffs happening. Kenzie got her hair cut... of course she also got in her first real big super a lot kind of trouble... she got grounded to her room for the weekend (which happened to include valentines day) and lost screens for the rest of the week. It was a good lesson for both of us, fairly certain she'll think twice before she lies to me again, and I learned that whatever punishment I dole out I better be able to keep up with. Grounding your kid pretty much turns you into a 24/7 prison guard. After my daughters 17th 20 minute long trip to the bathroom I finally started to catch on to the part where she just was finding a way to be out of her room. Why it was better to be stuck in a tiny bathroom (she was subsequently sneaking books and random toys in with her) instead of playing in her room... I don't know... but I did finally catch on and put a stop to it. That then resulted in me being summoned to her room every 10 minutes so I could see whatever new creation she made while in prison, until finally also put a stop to that. But also she asked me to cut her hair! She originally wanted it as short as mine but I couldn't go that low and I explained to her that I was actually growing mine out so we settled on a below the shoulders look. She loves it, and so do I, the first time in 6 years we haven't had a war over brushing her hair. I also got her started doing some needlepoints, perhaps my way of making it easier on everyone while she was grounded from the tv? She likes it a lot but again... I should have known this was largely going to result in her asking me for help anytime there was a color change or a tricky part in the rows. It's fun doing them with her though, I remember doing these little needlepoint crafts when I was her age and I was so in love with them, my mom used to do them (you know the adult versions that don't involve plastic needles and yarn) and make some of the niftiest things that were hung all around the house and I used to think I was gonna do that too some day... and then I got into crocheting instead and apparently you can only have one craft lol. In a move of solidarity I did order a big kid one for me to do too (an owl! of course) so that she'd see me working on it and decide she wanted to be awesome at it too (because of course I'll be awesome at it, my mom was, it runs in my blood... thats how that works right?) So I'm excited for all of this crafty magic.

On to my boys 6 months update! Interview style, I feel, will work best for this. I'll translate his answers for those of you not currently speaking berber.

+What are some of your favorite things C?
Just sitting here. Being adorable.
Chewing on things. Also throwing up on you mom. And on my new clothes. I also like bottles. Like a lot. Bottles are probably my favorite thing ever, and when I'm done I get to throw up on you. 2-fer. I'm also pretty into things with lights. Oh and chewing on things. LOOOVE chewing on things. Especially my toes and blankets or your cheeks. And randomly sitting up because you always get this adorable confused look on your face when you see me suddenly sitting up on my own. I also like you mom. You're pretty neat, I lose my shit a little bit if I see you paying attention to anything or anyone else but me. I also like my sister, she plays with me and constantly says she's gonna get me but she hasn't gotten me yet, she also brings me all my toys all the time even when you seem to be trying to get me to go sleep and when I get upset she tries telling you and dad I want bottles, and like, who doesn't want bottles, you should listen to her more. I also like dad but I don't like to chew on dads fingers like I do on yours, I do like to grab his face, especially his nose or eyelids. Mostly I like bottles. And sometimes food... as long as its not that white mushy stuff you try to give me that has no taste and looks a lot like the stuff I throw up. Eff that stuff. 

+I see. And how do you feel about the dogs?
Oh I like black dog a lot... she licks my face too much tho. And sometimes I think she's going to step on me when you let me play on the floor. Grumpy dog is awesome. He lets me grab his eyelids. And he licks all my barf up which is soooo gross but it makes me get the giggles.

+That's always a bonus. I've been giving you more baby food lately, how do you feel about that?
Be better if it came in bottles. Also stop giving me that white stuff.

+Any chance you're ever going to let us get past the first 10 minutes of Frozen?
No. The opening song and the snowman song are the best. And that red-head girl makes me smile like a madman. No need to watch further. Just that part over and over. We should probably be watching at least 5 more times a day.

Pardon my uber greasy hair. Let's pretend it's like that on purpose.
+No I don't think so. Anything else you want to let people know?
I just threw up some.

+Awesome. Love you C.
Pick me up now?

And that is where that interview ends. Also this post because it's hard to type with a kid in your lap that also wants to type. I hope you all are having a fantastic Tuesday and stay warm if you're in my neck of the woods. We love you all!!
See I do wash my hair occasionally!