The last 24 hours of being pregnant! Eeeeeeee!

So in theory this should be my last post before our newest addition makes his debut :)
It has been an exciting trip getting here lots of smiles along the way and some mild fits of frustration with innocent people and I do apologize for those. So let me kick this one off by saying: I don't know how to explain it fully especially to those who haven't been in my shoes before, but I do know all the questions are generally out of pure concern and love and i do appreciate that people care, it's very sweet, but honestly you have no idea how nerve racking it can be when you're already anxious and ready to have your baby and you get asked the same questions daily, often multiple times a day, by multiple people and it's just... frustrating. I promise there is no one more ready or excited or inpatient for this kid to come out than me and Mike, and I try very hard to keep everyone as updated as possible within my comfort level because I mean honestly... there's some stuff that just doesn't need to be shared, so I don't share every single little detail that happens because... well I don't want to lol some stuff is just not your business :) in the nicest possible way. And there is no one person to be singled out or that I get more or less irritated with than another, I try to remind myself constantly that literally all of the questions and phone calls and texts are out of concern and love absolutely not to just irritate me, and that odds are you have no idea someone else literally just asked or said the exact same thing you just did, but between being extremely uncomfortable, very nervous, incredibly anxious, and super tired because all of the other stuff makes it pretty impossible to get more than an hour or so of sleep, my fuse is pretty short sometimes and sometimes I do get annoyed and snap and I apologize for that. I don't know what I would do without my friends and family and I really do love ALL of you :) so please don't mind me when I make my snarky comments it's just how I handle being stressed.

So, on to other things!
I am excited for tomorrow but also terrified lol I just keep hoping the whole thing goes as quick as it did with Kenzie. It took a good chunk of the day to get things rolling but the actual pushing and delivery part happened really fast so maybe I'll get that lucky again :) we can hope. Hopefully he's managed to stay under 5000 grams since our last ultrasound Wednesday and they don't immediately decide I have to have a c-section, if I have to,I have to but I'd really like to try to do it the natural way first and he was hovering pretty close according to their estimate at my last appointment so, I guess we'll see. We will definitely keep everyone as updated as possible and absolutely will let everyone know when he gets here, I can't wait to see his chubby little face!! It's been the quickest longest 9 months (and 2 days) everrrrr. On some levels it feels like we just got the news way back when I was only 5 weeks along last December, and on other levels that seems like a lifetime ago. We didn't actually tell anyone until February or so aside from our parents because of my fears of everything that can go wrong in the first trimester especially with my underlying health issues and I'm kind of glad we did it that way because it also gave us a chance to just privately soak in and enjoy our news together without the onslaught of questions and comments that inevitably come when you make that first announcement. I think the most surprising thing I noticed was how many people seemed shocked when they learned we had actually been trying to have a kid and that it wasn't just one of those happy oops moments lol, oh the times we live in.
So as I sit here in the final hours as a mommmy of one, and a grumpy ol pregnant lady, I think one of the things I'm looking the most forward to is seeing our newest little one nestled in with his family here at our home. Watching Kenzie see him for the first time and saying hi to her little brother (which she's only been asking for since she was 3 lol) and watching all that happens as they get older.
I'm going to miss my little girl terribly while we're at the hospital it kills me a little bit that she can't be there with us, but my grama will be with her on standby ready to bring her to us and meet her newest great grand baby as soon as I'm able to see people. It doesn't help that it has recently come to light that Kenzie is very nervous about me going to the hospital without her, she asked me the other day if Mike could promise he won't let me die while I'm there lol and it was one of those terribly awkward moments where I was horrified that my little girl had thoughts circling in her head that that might happen, and it also really dawned on me that she is getting older and really is paying more attention to things than I think I realized. So we talked. And for the first time I explained (lightly) what was going to happen and why exactly she couldn't be there right when it was happening and why it would be good for her to be with grama so that neither of them had to be alone while they were waiting and that everything would be fine, Mommy's a tough lady and Mike wouldn't let anything bad happen while we were there and there would be lots of doctors taking very good care of me and that she would see me again very soon and finally be able to see her brother outside my tummy and she seemed to feel much better after that but it was a real eye opener for me and almost a little heartbreaking to know that she's seen enough now to know that things like that happen sometimes and she's actively worried something bad might happen to me and all I wanted to do was hug her and tell her that would never happen. It will be a big relief when baby boy gets here and she comes running in the room and we can all be together and she sees everything is just fine. Not many things make me sentimental but the thought of my babygirl being worried about me makes me get a little emotional. Sigh. Happy thoughts.
So here's to the last hours of the gigantor baby pregnancy :) he'll be here soon and you'll all be overwhelmed with pictures of his and our cuteness and I can't wait! Some people I expect will be up at the hospital and some others we will see soon after but everyone on our Facebook pages or in our phones will know when his chunky butt is finally here! See you all soon :) ♡♡♡♡♡