It's all in baby Gigantors huge hands now

I'm not sure what it is about night time that is making life so hard right now, but it seems like every night lately when I try to get settled down and get some sleep whatever normal aches or uncomfiness I was experiencing throughout the day go into overdrive and just really become awful. The already incredibly frequent bathroom trips double, There's lots of fidgeting around which consequently makes a lot of noise in an attempt to find a comfortable position in the recliner I've started basically calling my new bed, and my legs developed an insane case of RLS, it is like somebody poured Mexican jumping beans into both of my legs and shook the shit out of them, they literally cannot sit still and it seems like I have no control over them at all. So as long as I'm sitting here not getting any rest, I figured I would answer some questions I'm getting flooded with from people wondering what's going to happen with baby boy. A response fitting most of the questions in the fewest words possible: we don't know lol.
SO... Yesterday's check up pretty much confirmed what we already knew; baby Vose is indeed a big boy. :) for those that missed the Facebook post, he is currently weighing in at around 9.5lbs according to the sono which it was explained to us could be up to 1lb off... but that could be in either direction lol and I do technically still have a little over 2 more weeks to go. So here's the questions I keep getting asked and the answers I have for them right now.
1. So are they going to induce you since he's so big?
No. Him being big doesn't necessarily mean he's ready to join the world just yet, I knew going into this that there was the possibility of him being pretty large, Mike and his brother were both 9 & 10 lb babies lol so while Kenzie was a tiny little thing, I knew that would probably not be the case this time. A big baby on its own is not a safe medical reason to induce labor, if it starts early naturally then yes we will assume baby boy is ready to make his entrance and go with it, but otherwise we are playing the waiting game he will either make the decision to come on his own or we will wait till 39/40 weeks and induce at that time, unless something comes up to complicate or endanger baby or myself before then.
2.  So you're going to have to have a c-section then huh? 
No. Not necessarily. Again, a big baby doesn't automatically mean go into panic mode. As my doc explained to me when I voiced concern about this, we have no idea if I can handle delivering a baby this large because I've never tried it. Kenzie was very small so it's a whole different ballgame this time and we just don't know. But since I am willing to still try it my OB is willing to try it too which I greatly appreciate.  The risks are there that he might get stuck, which would become a rather quickly escalated situation and the hospital will be prepared for that since we know going in what we're looking at. 
3.  But you're definitely going to have an epidural now right?
No. I'm not and never have been on board with having an epidural.  I didn't with Kenzie either. I know lots of ladies have them, loved them, made everything so much easier for them, and I fully understand and support their decision but it's not what I want. Way too much research proves that not only does it slow down the labor and pushing process but it also takes away from your own ability to feel what's happening and if something isn't right and ultimately it's my decision not yours. It's not going to hurt you that I didn't have one so calm down :) everything will be fine :)
4.  (My favorite) OMG don't your feet hurt? They are so swollen! You must be preeclamptic right?
YES. They do. A lot. Pretty much all the time.
But no. I'm not. Been tested multiple times now. My bp has been nothing but amazing throughout my entire pregnancy and my pre eclampsia screens continually come back looking great. 
5. Did you take your diabetes test? You probably developed it with all the weight you gained and how big he is huh?
Yes I did. Passed with flying colors on the first try didn't even have to do the second 3 hour crazy test. I'm well aware of how much weight I've gained and so is my skin, and I as well as Mike are at a bit of a loss for words as to why, because I didn't actually indulge a whole lot in the awesome and crazy pregnancy cravings or go overboard with eating all the time, in fact the last couple months I've barely been able to get through a full meal once a day soooo... idk. :) lol he's just a big kid what can I say.
6. Well how are you feeling?
...big and uncomfortable and tired of people asking me how I'm feeling while they stare at my stomach and ask when exactly I'm due lol but excited to see our boy.
And finally 7. After asking my due date, do you actually think you'll make it that long?
Idk. I've made it this far, but it's hard to tell. I am dilated, I am 70% effaced as of yesterday, and I am having contractions but who knows. Will have to wait and see what the boy decides. I am definitely ready whenever he is though, I've been reminding myself a lot lately that you don't stay pregnant forever he WILL come eventually lol

So there you have it. Have a lovely night all :) hopefully the next post you see from me includes baby boy pictures of the live and in color variety and you'll all finally learn his name ♡♡