
January is almost over and I've been pretty quiet. Thought I'd pop in.
Had a rough night last night, first gall bladder attack I've had since the fateful December day that landed me in the ER and man could I have lived without it :( didn't miss em at all. *sigh* but such is life. It appeared to be triggered by nothing more than a couple breadsticks which i thought was wierd, but hey I survived and aside from being tired have managed to eat a full salad and a bowl of macaroni today and I don't seem to be dying yet so I have high hopes for tonight :)

Mike and I celebrated our 3 year anniversary this month, we went to a different place than usual because we had a gift card, (I know aren't we romantic? ;) lol, but gotta watch the $$$ since propane prices went thru the roof or its gonna be a cooooold winter for us!) and it was an awesome little dinner date I loved it  :) then just came home for some snuggles and us time, simple and wonderful and an awesome anniversary ♡

I'm really about done with the weather lately, polar vortex indeed - bring on the heat! I hate hate hate being cold, the only good thing about being cold is getting warmed back up ;) I'm also done with the phrase wind chill factor. People - I say this with nothing but love and utter annoyance in my heart- the wind has ALWAYS been around.  Like, always. Always. "Wind chill factor" creeped up around the 70's-ish and didn't really take off in a relevant reported on the news kinda way unless you were someone who actively worked outdoors, until recent years. The phrase has been around as long as the Ramones and Farrah Fawcett hair, BUT it seems in the last 3 years or so it's suddenly demoted it's previous weather increment: air temperature! And boy do we just looooove to throw it around. "Yeah it's 25 degrees outside but with the windchill it's only 2 degrees!" No. With the windchill it's still 25 degrees . and maybe you need to add a layer that includes a wind breaking fabric. Honestly.  When did we become such pusses. It goes the other way too. "It's 93 out today but with the heat index it's actually 101" No. It's 93 degrees outside and you need to drink lots of water and  maybe run that marathon another day. My daughter's school closed for several snow days already this year, only 2 of them appeared to involve actual snow the other 2 were "extreme cold" days due to "wind chill factors". Yep. It's winter. It's cold out. Might wanna consider sending the tots off in more than yoga pants and a jacket those days. *sigh* this all really gets bothersome when parents start hollering and working up a fuss over how the kids can't stand the cold it's not fair to send them to school. I've lived a lot of places.... One of them was Germany.  We got snow. And cold. And surprisingly wind. Wanna know how many "extreme cold" days we got called off for? Lol if you said not a damn one you're right! Because it's called wearing a fucking coat and dressing for the weather and not raising kids to be thumb sucking helpless wussbags that rely on mom for the rest of their natural lives because it seemed too scary to teach kids that 10degrees is really fucking cold and here's how you should dress when this crappy weather happens! Instead we teach that when the weather isn't ideal you should stay home and cry about it then possibly head to Walmart later since schools out anyway. I know some kids that are gonna be reeeeal shocked when schools out and they have to go to work some day. I'd love to tell my work I can't come in because the wind chill is -5. I'd be at unemployment office the next day.
Anyway. I think that point is pretty clear I'll stop ranting now.

I'm in a hair rut I think.  I need to do something with my hair and I have no idea what. I've discovered I don't have the patience to dye it at home anymore,  I get bored half way into it and don't care anymore but I'd really like something to be done with it to make it prettier and redder and fuller and less blargety blaaaahhhh. Hmm mm what to do what to do.

That's all I got for tonight.  I'm going to attempt to get 7 hours of sleep tonight... If I do it'll be a record of some sort. This being an adult business is tiresome.