Last minute miracle workers

We live in a constant state of lazy chaotic relaxed madness. We could be completely relaxed on the couch not doing a thing one minute and speeding around trying to do 20 things at the same time the next second. Its utter madness sometimes. That being said, I should know by now, that if we leave the house for something as simple as picking up Mackenzie from her gramas or running for some "quick" groceries, there is a very real possibility we will not be right back. There is always another errand to run or an unexpected call or something we forgot about untill we started doing something else. I'm chronically against leaving the house in pajamas or sweatpants I just cannot do it, so I will always find a minute to put on real pants and shoes but sometimes I have a moment of silliness and think 'oh we are just doing ________, I'll be right back I don't need to put makeup on I'll do it when I get back' lol well like I said, I should know better.
I guess I'm kind of wierd about my appearance, I'm not ridiculous about caking on extreme makeup and looking like I'm heading to prom every single time I run to the gas station, I leave the house quite frequently fresh faced with nothing more on it than some moisturizer,  but on days when we suddenly have to leave and I haven't had a chance to say, wash my face and freshen up a little, and I'm still sporting the remnants of yesterdays makeup and perfume (don't judge me, everyone's been there) and I just feel gross, the most fabulous of attire can't fix the fact that my face looks like im on day 2 of an extreme hangover, and I hate it. I generally kind of live on the rule that if I were to leave the house and run into Luke Bryan (for example) would I feel good about walking up and meeting my favorite singer and taking a picture with him, or would I not want him to see me like that. If I were out running errands and Mike decided to unexpectedly meet me somewhere for a cute little lunch or dinner would I feel good about my appearance when I walked up to give him a kiss? Don't get me wrong my baby has firmly stated many times he thinks I always look good, because he's a good man and he wants the laundry to keep getting done ;) (lol kidding kidding!  He's just a good man) all that may sound a little silly to you but it's how I roll it keeps me from letting myself go and ending up on a people of walmart page and I like feeling good about how I look.
All that being said, aside from the makeup wipes I keep in my purse for just such occasions as my temporary lapse in judgement about being right back like today, I carry two things in my makeup bag that have saved my life sooooo many times on days I feel I need a little extra something,  whether im running late for work, end up running around more than I knew I would be like today, whatever the situation has been, I am absolutely in LOVE with these 2 little miracle workers! I put a little of the matte foundation stick under my eyes and on my nose and blend out with my fingers, and then put a little of the blush on my cheeks (you have 30 seconds to blend it to your liking before it sets and gives a beautiful glow) and lips it has a cool feeling when you put it on and feels so great! I cannot sing enough praises for these two little secret weapons.  They definitely saved me yet again today when I found out we weren't just picking up the child but also meeting one of our friends, running to Lowes, and then our friends house before we made it back home ;)
On another note, this post brought to you from the passenger seat of the truck! I just love the blogger app!