Colder Weather = Dryer Skin = New Face Routine

I have chronically extreme combination skin. Think about all the annoyances of an oily face along with the irritation of dry skin flakes and patches on the sides of your nose, between your eyebrows, and on the apples of your cheeks. A lot of this is probably my own fault, I do not take as good care of my skin as I really should be, since I am now nearing 30 and am reaching an age where I'm going to start wishing I had.
I have, however, harnessed some general easy routines for lazy people such as myself, who are guilty of not taking their make up off every night, (for shame), not washing their face as often as they probably should (I know I know), that generally keep my skin under control and are simple and quick enough that there's really no excuse for me, or anyone, to not do them.
First of all, I know a lot of people will tell you the make-up removing wipes are not as great for your skin as a real make up remover because they do not actually remove ALL of your makeup like they claim too, and I will say, this is true. They do not. Evidenced as simple as after cleansing your whole face with a wipe, you could still easily take a white cloth or another wipe even and run it along your face and produce more makeup. That being said, they work better than not removing your makeup at all, and it's so quick and easy, honestly I usually end up wiping my makeup off in 30 seconds right after I use the bathroom for the last time before bed, lol I know slight TMI but oh well. Usually I use the Neutrogena make up cleansing wipes, the ones in the blue package, but sometimes I'll switch for the Garnier ones. As soon as I'm done I slather on some type of moisturizer real quick, I tend to shift back and forth between Johnson and Johnson Apple Honey baby lotion, and Neutrogena naturals night cream.
The baby lotion is incredible, I love it, I actually use it all over, not just on my face, I have a big bottle of it on my desk at work too I use it on my hands constantly though out the day, especially after washing my hands, because the soap at work dries my hands out something fierce. I adore the scent it has and how smooth it make my skin feel.
Every once in awhile, I have Olay facial cleansing brush and exfoliating soap, I use it probably once a month or so, to scrub the dead skin and other crap of my face while I'm in the shower and I always notice a HUGE difference in my skin afterwards. Now that it is getting colder, I've started using it a bit more frequently, every couple of weeks or so. 
When I run out of the makeup wipes, I make my own makeup remover, and during the winter I tend to prefer using it anyway because the olive oil makes my skin super silky feeling, It's so easy to make, and I recently found a recipe for a toner to use as well, the combination of the 2 of them I'm pretty happy with right now.
The last few months my routine has been to use my homemade make up remover at night (or sometimes in the morning when I wake up... like I said, guilty) once I'm done I wash my face twice (sounds like overkill but it's super fast), with these Aveeno Cleansing Pads, I just run one over my face first and take a cool washcloth and rinse off, then run the same pad over again using the other side and rinse with a warmer cloth. Then using another gauze pad, I run the toner over my face and use a daily moisturizer, I like the Aveeno stuff, it's a running theme with me along with Neutrogena, they just seem to work the best with my skin. I have some Benefit eye cream that I use on the days I wake up a little puffy or dark under the eyes, its a secret weapon, it works every time so I don't mind paying the price for it, because it definitely is on the pricier side of my skin care arsenal.
And that's really all she wrote for me, I keep it pretty simple, if I use too much or get to extravagant with new products it tends to just make my skin oily and red and uneven.
For the makeup remover I just use equal parts witch hazel and olive oil, and shake up before I dip a gauze pad in it, and for the toner, I use witch hazel, lemon juice, and water. I store them both in an old portioned formula container that I used to use for Mackenzie that I just knew would come in handy again some day :)
There you have it, super easy to make, super quick to do, and my favorite part, super cheap.
The results I've noticed are enough to have my hooked, here's a shot with absolutely no make up, no filter, just me and my skin
and here's a day I decided to be really brave at work and left off foundation and powder all together and just put on some lip gloss and eye makeup to see how my face faired with a day off.

Have a great day y'all!! <3