Happy Halloween!

Halloween! Finally! It seems like it's been forever waiting for it to get here. Halloween is more exciting then Christmas for me lol the colors of fall, the cooler weather, the costumes, the creativity, the CANDY! :D I just love it. Ive definitely stockpiled a ton of ideas for costumes and decorations for next year and beyond that I didn't get to try this year!
Im so excited to take my little one out trick or treating and to see all her family in her fancy costume ♥♥ She looks so beautiful :)
So much has been going on, busy busy busy we even hosted our very first Halloween party! While pretty much everyone had an awesome time untill my drunkenness took a trip past sanity and anything resembling comprehensive behavior and got the best of me and drunkdrama occurred for poor Mike (who is a trooper and the best man on the planet for putting up with my absolute out of control crazy)and Sarina who is an amazingly understanding friend considering she has chosen not to hate me forever or make voodoo dolls of me, we have decided it will probably be our last at our house, someone else can tackle it next year and we will be more than happy to attend :).
Snapped a couple quick Halloween pictures with my princess and we are out the door!
I will be back this weekend with pictures and updates on how the best month of the year was and how my very first Halloween party (that I hosted, not that I've been to lol) went! Have a GREAT night everybody! ♥