I don't make the rules... I usually don't listen to them either.

So here's what happened..
I failed at my last quest. Plain and simple. I wanted so badly to embark on this big shoe adventure where I shopped my own closet and made a pair of shoes last all week with all these glamorous outfits; that I would also discover in my own closet because in addition to my impressive quantity of shoes, I've also built up a formidable closet.
I don't want to buy more clothes that just sit in my closet and fantastic shoes that never get worn because of how hard it is to commit to high heels for a whole day, especially when every now and then, it's impossible to tell where my day will lead. SIGH. I just love the idea of clothes. I love putting together an outfit and the next day when I wear it, hearing how much other people love it. HEY! that's not as conceited as it sounds, I'm not dying for compliments, I like to inspire people around me! As far back as I can remember I've wanted to be a teacher, because I want to help people, I want to inspire others, I want to show people new things and possibly introduce them to possibilities they didn't know were there, about things they may not have even realized they were interested in!! Unfortunately, school is expensive and you don't really get to be a teacher just out of sheer will and wishing, so part of that dream is on hold for an unknown amount of time, but meanwhile, as important as inspiring the BIG dreams in others is to me, I feel just as warm and fuzzy when I can excite some smaller reveries that may be a tad more day to day then say, molding the next big Dave Eggers.

The thing is... I've put on weight... I'm a mom, I'm a girlfriend, and as tends to happen when you're blissfully content with your life... you get a little too comfortable. I didn't even realize it until  saw some pictures of myself a friend took, I couldn't believe it was me! I looked in the mirror in despair shock trying to figure out what happened, and then examined some pictures of me just last summer... HUGE difference.. and well... that tends to impact the way your clothes can make you feel. I guess what I thought was I would start wearing these wonderful outfits with my fabulous shoes and it would inspire me to use that gym membership I'm paying for that is collecting/creating a big dusty hole in my bank account, and I'd lose the recent tummy I developed, AND justify paying 39.99 monthly for a treadmill coated with strangers sweat and good intentions, AND be fabulously attired all the while, thus I can fire up a little fashionable creativity in others lives and maybe help support some of my friends who I know are feeling the same as me in the losing weight department!! 
.... In retrospect that's a lot of pressure for one little blog. Which is probably why it didn't really work out.
I do, however, enjoy writing, and sharing, so maybe with a little less constraint on what this is supposed to be for, it won't feel so much like a chore and everyone will win ;)
Time will tell.

So there you have it.

ALSO! As a completely unrelated proud momma moment note: Today was my daughters first day at Kindergarten and she was SO good! My little trooper, she only showed how nervous she actually was right before I left her, but she put her big girl smile back on and had a fantastic day and I couldn't be more excited for her!!!!! She even put up with the onslaught of picture taking I subjected her to <33