Chicken Fried Rice! Who doesnt love it?!

So I loooove chicken fried rice, I am that person that can order just a big box of it when I get takeout and be happy with just that.... as long as its made the way I like. Which in Springfield means its coming from the Toronto Road place that I really should know the name of but don't... I just call it the Toronto road place. They don't dump in bunch of veggies or other weirdness, so it's perfect for picky people like myself ;)
So then I started thinking "Why couldn't I just make this myself!?" it seemed easy (and cheaper) enough. My first attempt was surprising; not as good as I was hoping for (I overcooked the rice), but still tasty enough that Sarina politely finished her plate and Mike was intrigued enough from the taste I gave him to request it again. So tonight was Round 2 and it was a big hit! Not so much as a bite leftover!
So in honor of a successful second attempt, I will share my recipe with you :D

Chicken Fried Rice! My way!
You'll need:
*Cooked Rice (I cook mine on the stove because I have not yet procured a rice cooker)
*Chicken of your choice (I say it like that because I've tried 2 different ways and they were both successful) - either raw or precooked frozen; I use the John Soules Foods Grilled Chicken for all sorts of meals including Alfredo, and it's what I used tonight for the rice, I love it. I generally only find that particular brand at Wal-Mart.
*2-3 eggs
*Soy Sauce
**Teryaki Sauce... totally optional but I used it.

So I used about 1 1/2 cups of Rice and cooked it. Then pulled it off the stove and moved it to a bowl with a towel over the top of it. In a skillet I cracked 3 eggs and scrambled them up and added a little teriyaki and soy sauce and the chicken pieces. Once the chicken was pretty much all the way heated (remember I was using pre-cooked, when I used raw chicken last time I started cooking it first instead of the egg to make sure it cooked all the way but did everything else the same way) I added the rice and a little more soy and teriyaki on top of it. Mix it all up till the rice is fairly equally covered in the sauce, and bam! DONE! 10 minute!
... well ok it took a little longer than 10 minutes, but not much, it was a super fast meal to make and it was tasty and filling. And the clean up wasn't bad either. One pot, one skillet, I poured the rice back into the bowl it was cooling in beforehand to serve it, and... well we used throw away forks and bowls I can't lie, but still. Awesome, quick, tasty meal if you're tired, in a hurry or whatever!