There has been a development or two since I was here last. Mostly because it's been quite a while since I was here last. Updating the ol' blog seems really easy until I try to find a minute to actually sit down and do it.

Morning Snuggles with the boy
 So, here I sit, typing up a quick update on life instead of doing the homework that's due tomorrow that I should really be trying to get done now. On the bright side of life, I just found out this morning that I got an A in this math course I've been taking that's been a real bitch for me because I am terrible at math. The second part of the module begins Monday and I'm hoping whatever magic just happened will occur there too.
In baby news... I am ready to have this child at literally any moment. She's been ready to go for the last two weeks actually. The problem is, I am apparently a super comfy ride, because none of my children ever seem to want to leave me on their own accord, no matter how cramped they may be in there. My doc and I are both pretty convinced I'll always have to be induced to get anywhere, I'll be the lady that's pregnant for like 2 years if I don't get some kind of outside interference on my behalf. My clinics policy however, is to not induce before the 39th week without some kind of emergency occurring (or you know, if the baby naturally decides to start the show on their own), so we have a date scheduled for me to be induced at the end of October now, which happens to be the day that my Halloween baby shower is supposed to be happening (so, you know, if you got your invite to this awesomeness then sit tight, the date might maneuver a little bit depending on just how stubborn this girl turns out to be). Here's the fun part though, based on the sono measurements and all that jazz they like to do when you have a history of giant babies, this girl was already in the 9-10lb range last week at the appointment, measuring roughly 24 inches long. (For reference, Connor was born at 10lb 5oz, 23 and a half inches long). So this waiting game that's going on right now is just making those numbers go higher and higher. So that's fun. But wait! There's more! I am also already dilated to about 5cm, and almost totally thinned. These are the lengths to which my children will go to, to stay put lol, I feel like this girl could damn near fall out of me at any moment, contractions started weeks ago, and yet... she just won't do that big push to get things rolling so that they can admit me. My doc has more or less told me to just give her a reason to put me in the hospital and we will get this girl out here to say hello to the world, but as of yet, not enough of a reason has come up. Believe it or not, her just being huge is not actually a reason to induce before the 39th week.
And in case you haven't seen me lately, we are both pretty huge...

So this is life as of late, I can't do very much, I haven't been able to leave the house much because moving, and standing, and breathing... are all fairly hard right at the moment, the energy I do have is used to keep the other two kiddos alive and happy, and to attempt to not flunk all the courses I'm enrolled in this semester because I'm a genius and thought continuing on taking full time classes would not be a problem when I'm due to give birth right in the middle of the semester.
I was really hoping the girl would decide she wanted to be a Friday the 13th baby and make her big entrance Friday, despite my history of not being able to get things rolling on my own, but no such luck.
In the mean time, while we wait for her to either get tired of bruising my ribs or my scheduled induction day to get here, whichever happens first, we have a new vehicle to scope out and road trip to pick up, because somehow we just don't think my little Focus is going to be able to handle 3 kids and Mike's truck isn't the most multiple kid friendly type vehicle on the planet either. So momma gets an upgrade :)

And this is it. This is life right now. Don't get me wrong, I actually rather enjoy being pregnant for the most part, but these last weeks are always hard. Playing a big waiting game, building anxiety over trying to deliver another gigantor baby, dealing with contractions and swollen legs and feet, eating all of the oreos and milk I can find, and somewhat dreaming of having a big ol glass of wine and being able to sleep in my bed again when I'm no longer a human taxi. We've been sleeping in the living room because the recliner is the only way I can fall asleep for a little while and not wake up gasping for breath or running to the bathroom to barf because the little lady gave me horrible awful acid reflux, so laying down in bed has stopped being an option because I can't quite prop myself up enough and stay that way to be able to get any sleep. I'm once again bound to the recliner jail.