I'm Still Standing.... yeah...yeah...zzZZZzzzzZ

I had wanted to be in bed roughly about six and a half hours ago lol.
The volcano lava temperatures swirling about right now pretty much sap any energy I have, and the longer I'm out, the more I miss my bed.
Instead, I am sitting at the dining room table intermittenly doing homework, going into the kids room to holler at my son to get back into bed when I hear him get out of it, and typing this. Since I wanted to be in bed so early originally, nothing was planned for dinner so poor Kenzie ended up eating three bowls of canned Ravioli's, and I ended up with a cup of cold easy mac by the time I was done chasing the boy around to get him to stop spitting apple peels all over the living room carpet. I don't understand boys most of the time. He's really lucky he's cute.
Today, however, despite the heat melting my skin and motivation, and the wonderful adventure of parenting dashing my hopes of a marathon 12 hour nap, was a good day. I do love getting to spend a little time with people, especially ones I haven't seen in a long time. Even if I don't always show it lol, I am actually more social than I lead on. Sort of.

So, I had another doctors appointment yesterday, and as the news has already shared and liked by many, we have discovered that this time aorund, we are having a girl!

It is true, Mike was leaning towards a boy, as was Kenzie - in the end. She started out wanting a girl because she really wanted a sister... then the day before my appointment she decided two bodyguards and the raised potential to never have to share a room again outweighed a sister. After some reflection however, it was decided all around that it is probably best to let Connor keep his baby boy crown for a while longer... I just don't see him warming up to another baby boy in the house. I'm a little scared he may start immediately plotting the poor boy's demise once he realized it was taking away his "him" time with his momma. A girl on the other hand... I feel like I can play on his natural sympathies for a girl and get him to decide she can stick around for awhile, even if he does lose a little just a little bit of his one on one time with me. It's an interesting position to be in this time around, when I was pregnant with Connor, Mackenzie was old enough for us to explain the baby and everything it meant to her. I never considered what it would be like to bring a baby home to a kid that I couldn't explain all that to. Should be interesting to say the least.
The doctor did not clear the c-section status yet, the placenta has not moved away enough yet, but it is "moving" the right direction, and if it gets to two inches away from my cervix then she will okay my preferred delivery style, and she claims we still have plenty of time to consider that a potential reality. I was supposed to go ahead and register at the hospital when I got home yesterday, and forgot, and then forgot again today untill just now, I suppose I could add it on to the other random tabs I'm flicking back and forth through in between tossing the boy back into bed every ten minutes. I'm strongly considering going in there next time with one of my Halloween masks on from the Halloween box. Perhaps there's something to a solid fear of the boogeyman to keep a kid in their bed... as long, of course, as they know mom will come in and chase it away ;) Kenzie learned a long time ago that nothing puts fear into the heart of a monster quite like her mother ;)

Back to baby things, I do have some names that have popped into my head for baby number three. I am not sharing them yet lol, but I do have some. I am very, very picky about names, Mackenzie and Connor took forever before I settled on them, and in both cases I knew their middle names long before I knew their first names. I am very... particular. I am sure I will share the name once Mike and I come to an agreement on one though. Hold out for that. It's coming, I promise.

How far? 21 weeks

Weight gain? 3 pounds since my last doc appointment.

Any particular pregnancy signs? Aside from still being tired and popping Tums like they're the secret to life... and hating every single picture I see of myself because I look enormous? No I guess not.

And you're craving? Cheeseburgers. And milk and chocolate chip cookies. And Cinnamon Toast Crunch - which could be my way of making up for the lack of Rumchata laced coffee in my life as of late.

Boy/Girl? It's a girl!

Got a name yet?  I've got a couple choices on short list.

Favorite thing so far? I do really enjoy the flutters. I always have, they are my favorite part of being pregnant! My boobs look pretty impressive right now too, so there's also that. (sorry pops. feel free to pretend you never read that.)

Least favorite? Still nervous about the c-section possibility. It's got me freaked out. And I'm so tired of being tired. I do wish I could be one of those adorable pregnant mommas that still manages to look skinny and cute in all their clothes lol

Any advice to other mommies to be? Try to get knocked up in July or early August so you miss all the hot months while you're pregnant. They are death. 

Outlook? sleepy and good.