Third times a charm

My first ultrasound of bb#3, when I found out I was 13 weeks along... and realized that I don't pay very good attention to myself lol

So here I am again. A couple years older than the last time I was pregnant, and a couple pounds heavier too. It is true, this one was not exactly planned like Connor was, we were a bit shocked when we found out, but we are really excited none the less. And the good news is: I already got my gall bladder out the summer after I had Connor, SO... I should not be riddled with gall bladder attacks and ridiculous ER trips this time! Huzzah! The not so good news is: at 17 weeks along, it has been revealed that I currently have placenta previa. The quick draw on this for those that don't know what it is, means that the placenta attached itself to the bottom of my uterus instead of the top or sides and that its covering my cervix. It can cause bleeding, which sucks majorly because along with the glowy skin and thicker hair, I always felt that a big perk of being pregnant was the nine month break I got to take from buying and wearing "feminine hygiene" products. C'est la vie, I suppose. Also, it means I have to be on complete "pelvic rest" because we don't want to accidentally rupture the placenta - that would be not good for the bb and all, so you know... Mike and I are both super excited for that. Just imagine me rolling my eyes really hardcore after that last line. And the part that actually really terrifies me is, this pretty drastically ups my chances of having a c-section this time. A c-section is my worst nightmare scenario for delivering my baby. To be clear, I'm not actively against it or downing anyone that chooses that method for them self, I am just personally terrified of it. I mean lets reflect - I suffered gall bladder attacks for 4 years because I would rather have the attacks than have the surgery. That's who you're dealing with here. So yes, a c-section absolutely terrifies me. BUT WAIT!! There's actually more good news to alleviate some of the stress of this placenta previa news: It is very early. I just started my second trimester, so there is a good chance that as I start to quadruple in size, this situation will resolve itself as I get bigger. My doctor literally took a balloon, put a dot on it, and then blew it up and we watched the dot move, that was how she explained what we are hoping will happen lol and there's just a whole wealth of stories from ladies that were diagnosed early like me and had the situation resolve itself and had no problems, SO - you know, if everyone could just think happy happy move out of the way placenta type thoughts for me, that would be swell. That is all on that.

The house is divided on what they hope the bb will turn out to be, Mike wants another boy, Mackenzie really wants a sister, I don't care either way honestly - but a boy would be convenient since I still have a bunch of Connor's old baby clothes haha - so it will probably end up being a girl because that's just how that seems to happen. We will find out on the 20th of June hopefully, if bb cooperates, which so far has not been high up on its agenda.

In other news, I am taking a couple summer classes this summer which is not normally something I do, but I was coerced by a very persuasive lady. I am excited for them though, one of them is a creative writing class that I've wanted to take since I started going back to school, but was never offered online or at night during the fall and spring semesters. But magically during the summer there is an online course for it! Oh happy day! If all goes as planned, the fall semester should be my last at Lincoln Land, and I'll transfer to UIS in the Spring (hopefully). But that's dependent on my ability to pass both speech and math while being super pregnant and having a baby right towards the end of the middle of the semester lol soooo... we shall see. Think happy thoughts for that too. I did tell Mike I am mildly amused at the idea of going into my Wednesday night speech class all huge and preggers, and then coming back the next week all, not huge and preggers anymore. For some reason the mental image I get of that scenario makes me giggle.

I've got nothing else at the moment, so I'll recycle the old survey thing I did last time around and be back again soon. This one was more of a, "hey i'm back again" kind of thing.

How far? 17 weeks
Weight gain? negative 2 pounds. Which is good. The goal this time around is actually to not technically gain any weight, because of how much I've put on since I had Connor. My doc is a-ok with this - if my weight stays exactly the same throughout my pregnancy that means technically I will have lost a couple pounds, and both bb and I will be perfectly fine and healthy and if at any time it seems otherwise, we will alter our plan. So as of now, I originally weighed in at 199, and at my appointment on Tuesday I weighed 197.  (eek! being a stay at home momma has not had the healthiest effect on me this last year.) 
Any particular pregnancy signs? Tired. So tired. I could sleep all day and night for three weeks and probably still want a nap right now. And the heartburn. I go through tums like crazy. Hooray for hairy babies!
And you're craving? Not really any one particular thing right now. I seem to want juice a lot more than I ever did before. Grape juice and Peach juice are my favorites. They were also my favorite kind of wines.... could be something to that....
Boy/Girl? Either way, I will be happy
Got a name yet?  Nope not yet. Just some funny nicknames. Maybe one of those will stick haha.
Favorite thing so far? Ohhhh I dunno. My hair has been pretty extra fantabulous lately lol, though I'm due for some more color! Maybe after that I'll cheer up a little lol
Least favoriteThe placenta previa news definitely knocked some wind out of my sails. And some blood pressure issues I'm apparently having, which came before the previa, but I can work on my blood pressure so it's not stressing me out as much as the situation that I literally can't do anything about.
Any advice to other mommies to be? Get a good probiotic lol
Confession time! Make it good! I don't have any good ones yet that I haven't already said before lol, I'll see what I can come up with next time.
Outlook? okay