Been awhile....

Well well, look who turned back up. I'd apologize for the hiatus but... life and such. Not going to apologize for life.
Well let's see what has happened since I last left a note here...
We went and got ourselves a live Christmas tree again this year... deck the carpet with tufts of pine needles....

I've officially waved goodbye to my twenties and plunged full steam ahead into my thirties. 30 hasn't been so bad as of yet... I had a pretty awesome birthday this year which is not common for me, I have a good birthday every 4 or 5 birthdays or so, so this was a good one to have go well. There was no wild and crazy dirty 30 birthday episodes, just good people that I care about spending time with me and making me smile on my birthday for a fun little dinner followed by some drinks and a bonfire at our house. It was all I wanted and it was glorious.
It's been rough not having my dad around and I haven't been great about making it to town to visit my Grama since he left - there are some guilty feelings lacing that sentence. I want to make it to town, I wake up every day with good intentions and spunk, and then I end up spending the day in my pajamas alternately chasing around the boy and working on assignments or studying for tests, and by the time Mackenzie and Mike get home I've chased the boy around more than I have done school work, so they line up at the edge of the table and work on their "we're starving orphans and you don't love us anymore" faces while I auto-repeat "just one more minute I'm almost done with this paper." Sometimes Mike will get brave and walk into the kitchen all purposefully like he's going to make something in there super sorry it was ever put into the world as food stuff, and then the stove whispers some insult he just can't get past, and the refrigerator quickly hides all the edible food, and he ends up just standing there looking simultaneously confused and sort of like he wants punch something but doesn't want to admit the stove is making fun of him. He's convinced himself I hide all the food from him and purposely only leave out the food that has to be made. Nobody in this house likes to make the food. By default this means I make the food which is why we all live on a healthy diet of frozen pizzas and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches these days. I ran out of olive oil. (If you haven't been reading my posts for awhile that last sentence will make no sense to you and that's okay, it doesn't need to. If it's going to absolutely kill you that that doesn't make sense then you can read about it here.)

Moving on... my Fall classes just wrapped up. My last assignment for my last class was turned in yesterday after a whirlwind frenzy of a paper was produced in about 30 minutes that I was supposed to be working on for the last 8 weeks. And somehow I still managed to get 75/75 on it. Even I'm not sure how I pulled that off but I'll certainly take it. I don't think I'll be making the Dean's list again this semester since I got a *gasp* B *uggggghhhh* in one of classes. Bio. Bio 101 was the death of my straight A streak. How embarrassing. It's all still too fresh to write about it, and I feel like my blood pressure only just today entered a normal vicinity so I'll not go into too much detail but just know that this Bio class was truly the stuff bad sitcoms could be written off of. This guy, this freaking guy. Ug. Just ug. Some good did come of it however, it was an opportunity to spend time with someone that I now consider to be a good friend, and that is always a good thing - especially for us not entirely social types that don't use the term loosely. This semester was brutal though, hence my extended absence. Whatever influenced me to think it would be a nifty idea to take Bio, Astronomy, and Human Development at the same time (and Composition but really... that was the least of my problems) must have truly been something special and I wish I could remember what it was so I could bottle it up (or unbottle it if that happens to be the case) for the next time I need motivation to do something incredibly stupid. I made it to the other side though and I now have a glorious 3 week Christmas break to look forward to before I enter the fray again. Bachelor's degree here I come! ... Now if only I didn't live in the worst state for economic growth and employment rates.

I'll leave this here. It's way past 2 in the morning and this is not what I initially sat down to do. I don't even remember what I sat down to do to be honest. But sometimes in these wee hours of the night, when everyone else in the house is asleep and I can hear all 3 of them snoring from their various beds over the soft hum of the tv in the bedroom (Mike just cannot fall asleep during silence, his brain doesn't allow it) I like to just sit here. Not doing anything special - just sit here, have a drink, stare at our adorable Christmas tree with it's rainbow lights and scattered mismatch ornaments and pine needles of doom scattered across the skirt and making threats to the carpet around it, listening to Postmodern Jukebox just barely loud enough to hear what song is playing, and thinking... I don't even get this kind of reflection and alone time with my own thoughts in the bathroom these days so I cherish it when I do get it.
And then I get bored and wish someone was awake to play with me. Sometimes I wake Connor up and we sit on the couch snuggling and watching movies or sit on the kitchen floor eating peaches and making silly faces at each other until it's irresponsibly late and I know we should both go to bed. I used to do the same things with Kenzie but she's got to wake up early for school now and somewhere deep inside my 10 year old brain I know I need to let her sleep. I'm excited for Christmas break with her. I'm planning movie marathon nights, and star gazing under heaps of blankets in the back of Mike's truck, and midnight dance parties.
Watching Polar Express with my dad and MaDonna on their last night visiting us