Some Late Night Star Trek and Pizza Goldfish

I haven't been as good about writing lately as I hoped to be. The last couple weeks had their share of ups and downs, final assignments and tests and what not. I'm still waiting on two grades to come back, but if you're on my Facebook you already know that.

The boy recently decided he is an independent child, and he only needs me to pick him up if he's sad, or hungry, or happy, or scared, or feeling playful. During the odd times that he's tired he needs me to pick him up to put him down and leave him be while paying attention to him and offer him food he doesn't want until he finally falls asleep in a position I can only describe as .... discombobulating. Sure signs of a future leader. All the great ones fall asleep in yoga positions and impersonate koala bears.
The girl is nearly done with first grade and when asked how she felt about such events responded with an incredibly heartfelt "yeah." Take from that what you will, she's a creature of few words (when asked direct questions or for opinions, or anytime I want to talk to her about anything - unless I'm trying to do homework or watch something on tv.) I'd love to say I don't know where the attitude is coming from, but given that I birthed that child... I think we know. 

I've been thinking a lot lately about trying to involve myself more in writing. I got pretty glowing grades and commentary from my English instructor this semester for the papers I wrote, and, after talking with her at length a few times, a whole truck load of encouragement to consider writing as a viable talent to exploit and not just a hobby, even if it just started with getting my blog out there a little more. I've got some short stories and things that I've written filling up numerous flash drives. I'm not sure if I'll really go through with it or not, there's a reason I didn't overly advertise my writing anything other than this blog before now, and it's because I don't know how I feel about other people actually reading any of it. My current goal really is just to get through school and get my degree and try to keep the level of chaos at home down to a manageable crazy and not let it develop into an all out guerilla warzone. I do have it sticky-noted to my brain to sit down with a glass bottle of wine and seriously think about at some point though.
12 DIY Cheap and Easy Ideas to Upgrade Your Kitchen 2
I have several project I'd like to do this month and put up on the blog, including finishing up the frames I've been painting and getting them put up, painting and repurposing an old dresser I acquired and making it pretty, giving the cubby holes in the dining room a face lift, and mod-podging some dishes that I've had forever and just can't stand the look of anymore. Also me and a few ladies are putting together a garage sale for the 6th and I should probably actually start tagging and pricing things and making sure I'm ready for it. It'll make the weeks pass pretty quick between now and Texas. Iiifffff I actually manage to do all those things, there's a slightly more realistic universe where I mostly just hang out with the boy and play and get ice cream and read and play video games while he's sleeping lol

I hope everyone had a fantastic week :)