Pumpkins and stuff and things

Who doesn't love fall? I live for fall. Aside from the pretty leaves, the pumpkins, HALLOWEEN ♡♡♡♡, the lower utility bills lol, there's also cooler weather. Now this might sound like an odd thing for me to enjoy since I dislike being cold more than anything ever BUT.... cool weather means ...dundundunnnn BOOTS. Ok, yes you can pretty much wear boots year round I realize but during the summer there's the whole foot sweat thing and that's uncomfortable as hell, honestly, who wants that. Besides if I wear boots during the summer when would I wear my high heels? Seriously.

Staying at home has started making me antsy to take advantage of weekends and my time with Mike and Mackenzie outside of the house. This past weekend we went out to one of our local pumpkin patches and picked a couple pumpkins and walked a corn maze while Mike taught Kenzie how to read a map. She got us through the whole maze :) it was a very proud mom moment. Then she decided afterwards that she wanted to run through the mini bean maze and we now know what she would look like if she was being chased by zombies. Connor did amazing the whole time we were out there. I put my new wrap carrier to the test since we were out there for a good 3 hours and he just stayed snuggled right in and slept. He woke up a couple times while we walked around the pumpkin patch but i think the cooler air and being snuggled close and walking around kept him pretty zonked out.
These pumpkins are not from the pumpkin patch, these two pumpkins are actually two that we grew here at home :) Isn't that nifty!!! Confession: we didn't actually grow them on purpose, we more just threw out our old rotten pumpkins from last Halloween in a spot towards the edge of our property and then a few months ago magical new pumpkins appeared in their place. The great pumpkin perhaps?

This sunset was absolutely beautiful. Some days there is just nothing that makes me smile more than sitting in the back yard watching the sun set out here. And then you know confusing drivers on the road that can see me swatting what probably looks like invisible fairys to them, but is actually giant grasshoppers and other various flying bugs that have it in for me since it became public knowledge that I support spiders as long as they're killing bugs. Nature is so vengeful. There's no winners outside. Just people with bug bites, and people with spider bites, and some people who probably have both because nobody likes someone that can't pick a team.

I couldn't not put up some Connor adorableness. Just look at him!!! His new favorite thing to do is wait for me to finally get confident enough to take my weekly shower because my daughter has called me out on smelling funny, yeah.... that happened by the way... Making cookies the other night and she's standing right next to me and I said Geez girl you need a bath and she said yeahh... Welll... Mom I love you... but maybe you need a bath. You smell like Connors barf. Ouch. Girls been keeping it real since 2008. So anyway, it seems the coast is clear for this bathing ritual I hear people partake in and the boy is nice and passed out just a snoring away, and the second I get shampooed up... WAAAHHHHHHHHH! How dare you mom! How dare you try to take a shower are you out of your mind!? And then he will proceed to scream his head off until I get out and pick him up and he is magically just fine again. It's the darndest thing isn't it? Babies are strange and mysterious creatures.