Insomnia and braxton hicks galore

I don't know if it's really insomnia or not if I'm dogtired and beyond ready to go to sleep but the thing keeping me up is Baby Boy dance dance dancing around like he's at a rave in there, the weird experience of getting short of breath if I lay down certain ways, the heart racing that comes and goes when I think I've finally found a comfy spot, the acid reflux that makes me shoot straight up in bed, or the incredibly awful headache I've had all day possibly thanks to the storm passing over.

Needless to say it's not one of those oooo I'm a glowing happy pregnant lady kind of days.
I'm tired and huge and just want to sleep and have some energy to get the growing laundry list of things to do tackled during the few free hours I have. Sigh.

Wiggle wiggle wiggle, poke poke poke, barrel roll! Lol, it is fun to feel him moving around in there I can't lie, as tired and grumpy as I may be right now, it makes me smile still. It'll be weird a little bit in a couple short months to not experience that feeling anymore, even though then I'll be able to see him and hold him which is also something that makes me smile.
I've started doing a bit of shopping for him, clothes have proved to be more difficult than I anticipated for a boy, it turns out I hate a lot of the readily available baby boy clothes at most of my favorite places to shop! Girls stuff is so amazingly diverse and adorable and there is an abundance of different styles, Why are all the boys clothes either covered in sports stuff or look like cheesy golf clothing!? This has forced me to start looking elsewhere for awesome clothes for my little one. Most people know my "style" (if you can call it that) and my personal affections for what I suppose most others consider Halloween type themes (silly people.) And I found some pretty amazing and adorable pieces for baby boy today, I can't wait for them to get here! Here are a couple of my favorites :)